Year 11 Outdoor Education Camp
Last week saw Mr. Anders and his Year 11 Outdoor Education class, with help from Dani Jones, travel to West Beach in Adelaide for their first camp. Students went on the camp to link the knowledge learnt in class into a practical setting and then reflecting on their experiences.
Students participated in activities such as the West Beach Adventure Climb which goes to a high point of 0m. All students got to the top and showed amazing reliance, determination and support for one another to make it to the top. We all then had to jump from that height from a bungee cord to get down.
We also visited Monarto Zoo which allowed us to see multiple unique animals such as chimpanzees, white rhinos and giraffes. One section of Monarto Zoo is the entire size of Adelaide Zoo all together so we spent all day there.
Finally, we went Stand Up Paddle Boarding along the Patawilya Reserve in Glenelg. All students were successful and didn't fall in. Our instructor mentioned that sometimes, but rarely dolphins pass through the reserve to get back out to the ocean. Straight after that we had one pass right past on our boards and it was an amazing experience to all share together.
All students bonded very well and truly showed our College Values on camp and I couldn't be prouder of them.
Mr Anders
Outdoor Education teacher