
This is the 60th year since Lalor Secondary College was established. To celebrate this milestone the school will be running a number of events. Two of those events are the following:


  • Carnival / Open Day – Sunday the 15th of October
  • Dinner Dance – Saturday the 18th of November


More details will follow in the coming weeks, but please save the date for those wanting to attend these events.


Semester One


Semester One 2023, has been a time that every member of our school community can be proud of. Both staff and students have worked tirelessly together to develop a culture of cooperation and high expectations. This has culminated in the staff currently marking final assessments, and for the semester one reports to be finalised and communicated to students and carers in the coming weeks. This means all families will have access to the semester reports on Friday the 23rd of June. I encourage all parents and carers to discuss each page of the report with their child, so you are as informed as possible in regard to their learning progress. If you have any questions about your report please contact the relevant Assistant Principal or Sub-School leader. It is also a time to celebrate the school program and all of the activities that students involve themselves in outside of the classroom over the semester. All year levels will celebrate the end of semester with their end of semester assemblies during the first back in Term 3. There will be many awards presented at the assemblies and I look forward to attending each of these assemblies and encourage all families to ask their children about what occurred and whether they were able to earn an award.


As students in Year 11 and 12 commence Unit Two and Four in the coming week, the non-instructional period is an opportunity for them to refresh and prepare for a very busy term 3. I encourage them to use their time wisely and come back prepared for what is always a challenging time of the year. Parent teacher conferences for all students will be held in the second week of term 3 on Tuesday the 18th of July. All students completing these subjects will have finished the Unit 3 coursework and commenced the Unit 4 coursework which provides students, teachers and parents with a significant amount of information to discuss at these conferences. Students will have already received their reports which will provide parents a snapshot of how their son or daughter is progressing and allow the discussion at parent teacher conferences to focus on what is working and strategies for students looking to improve their performance. The parent teacher conference bookings will again be an online process and all families will receive details via Compass on day one of term 3 – Monday the 10th of July.



Ready, Steady, Cook


I had the privilege of being a judge at the Senior School Ready. Steady, Cook competition. This was a very high standard of competition with 2 teams delivering amazing food in such a short period of time. The food was delicious, and the decision was decided with 2 votes to 1. The Green team was victorious at this event with their lemon pudding getting them over the line.


Thank you to everyone involved, especially our judges – Laura Forster and Kat Carmody. Anica Popovska who organised the event and the 4 contestants – Peyton Gulyas, Jordan Tawil, Malena Dargham and Daniel Nguyen.


Lalor Secondary College Strategic Plan


The school is at the beginning of its strategic plan that will run from 2023 to 2026. To provide all members of our community I have developed a document that summarises the plan in conjunction with the annual actions we will undertake to support the strategic plan. This plan is outlined below. If any member of the school community would like to discuss this plan or have any questions, please contact me via the general office.


Over the past month I have been absent from our school to. During my absence a number of staff within the college took on additional roles, in particular the Principal class team. I thank them for the additional time they put into the school during this period over and above their usual roles, which is evident by the calm and productive environment to which I have returned.


Please be aware that there are several student free days coming up with the Curriculum Day being held on Friday the 9th of June and the King’s Birthday Public Holiday on Monday the 12th of June. Students are not required at school on these days.

On the last day of this term, Friday the 23rd of June, all students will be dismissed at 1.12pm. Please make arrangements as required for this early finish. All students will return to school on Monday the 10th of July.


If you have any questions regarding any of the information listed above then please do not hesitate to contact me, and I wish everyone a safe and enjoyable break in the coming holiday period.

Best Regards,


Corey Jewell

College Principal