Principal Report

Literacy focus for Term two: Spotlight on Reading

Inspired by the opening of our new library space, Belmore School staff have been focusing on embedding a love for books during both class activities and school wide events. Reading is an opportunity for us to provide our students with rich interactions that promote language development as well as foundational print concepts.


All of our classes took part in the National Simultaneous Storytime event on the 24th of May and it was great to see the students participating in activities about the story 'The Speedy Sloth' throughout the week.


A letter will come home today outlining the Premier's Reading Challenge and how we are participating. We are encouraging our students to read or 'experience' 15 books with families and school staff. All children who meet the challenge will receive a certificate of achievement.




Jess Wilson

It is always wonderful to host visitors to our school and share our school community achievements with others. Last term Jess Wilson - Member for Kew, attended our school assembly to present badges to our newly elected student leaders. Please click on the video below to view her addressing the visit at Belmore school and mentioning our student leaders in Parliament.

Capital Works Update

The demolition of stage B is nearing an end with almost all of the internal walls and structures having been removed this week. 


Over the last week it has been a hive of activity with large machinery in operation, cutting through concrete at the front of the school to make way for the new ramp. Whilst this has been occurring at the Stroud Street end of the school,  the beginnings of the steel framework for the hoist system as well as parts of the heating and cooling systems have begun to appear at the Belmore Road end. 


The construction team have begun to install the steel framework for some of the internal walls and it is great to see some of the teaching and learning spaces begin to take shape.






Amanda White
