Student Learning

Science - Foundation students have a great time doing Science with Nana B. They had the opportunity to mix primary colours to make other colours and then made a chemical reaction volcano.
Skillzone - Students all had lots of fun playing tug of war.
Numeracy - Foundation students have been working with units of measurement. They measured each other and lined the string up to see who was the tallest.
Year 1/2
Reading: The students are looking closely at the punctuation in their books and recording it.
Writing: The students finished their narratives and had the pleasure of sharing their wonderful pieces with the 3 /4 students.
Maths: The students have learnt about chance outcomes. They came up with their own ideas about scenarios that were certain, likely, unlikely or impossible to take place.
Year 3/4
Students in 34P were very excited to have a meeting with Wendy Orr, the writer of Nim's Island. Students were able to get some professional writing tips and advice. Thank you to Wendy for her time and priceless advice.
Year 5/6
Art - 56G students have been working on creating movement in their artwork. This week they took action photos of themselves and made a pop art movement collage.
Science - All students have enjoyed their Science lessons with Nanna B.
Skillzone - We've had some great weather lately and had some fun in the winter sun whilst completing our Skillzone sessions.
Student acknowledgements - Kyenan achieved two trophies for scoring 100% on two vaults in Essential Assessment. Well done Kyenan!
Ida has been working really hard on her writing and has written a story that shows amazing voice! Well done Ida!