Principal's Update

Hi everyone,
Winter has certainly arrived in full with the cold weather we have been experiencing. We are seeing students turn up each morning with no jacket or jumper on, it is too cold for this, and we are asking parents to ensure their child is dressed warmly for the day. Jumpers, jackets and beanies must be clearly named as there are many lost property items every week and this allows us to return items promptly to their owner
Breakfast Club continues to operate each morning, from the canteen, and students have been enjoying their toast. Thank you to Jess Bruce and her group of students helpers who make this happen for our students.
Reading at night
At CPS, while we don’t have formalised homework for students to do each night, it’s important that parents/guardians find some time to read for 10 minutes each day with their child. This is a chance to put away your devices and enjoy some one on one time with your child after a busy day. You don’t have to give feedback or teach, it can be just for pure enjoyment. The cognitive skills this brings can be very powerful and can make a huge difference to your child’s literacy development. As well as this, it gives parents a chance to connect with their child away from the constant distractions that our busy lives bring.
Every Minute Matters At Cobram (Primary School). It’s SO important that students attend school. Even missing a day a week can lead to students missing out on valuable learning time.
I urge all parents to be sure to send their children to school even when it’s difficult. Unless your child is genuinely sick – they should be at school! If your child is unwell please inform the school via phone or by adding an attendance note to Compass with an explanation.
I want to also take this chance to congratulate those parents who are sending their children every day (or as close to as possible). I know that sometimes this can be challenging, but YOU manage to make this happen. YOU are making a huge difference in your child’s life by doing so! Keep it up!
Author - Wendy Orr
At Cobram Primary School our teachers go above and beyond the call of duty! Students in 3/4P were able to meet the author of their Book Club text, Wendy Orr, who wrote Nim’s Island. Miss Pfeiffer’s dedication to connecting reading and writing engages her students in authentic ways. All students gained useful techniques and insights from Wendy to take away and implement into their own writing.
National Simultaneous Reading Day
On Wednesday 24th May we celebrated National Simultaneous Story Time which is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association. Every year a picture book is read simultaneously in libraries, schools and children’s facilities all over the country and the world. This year we read ‘The Speedy Sloth’ written by Rebecca Young, and enjoyed many activities based on the book
World Milk Day
June the 1st was World Milk Day! Our community is heavily involved in the dairy industry, with many families being dairy farmers, working on dairy farms or working in dairy food production. Thank you to Saputo Dairy Australia for their donation of milk and cheese for the students to enjoy in celebration of World Milk Day.
As you can see we have had lots happening at school recently. Along with these learning opportunities and classwork, teachers have also been writing reports. The Semester 1 School Reports will be sent home with students at the end of this term.
Hope everyone has a great week!
Claye Runnalls