Religious Education News 

Jessica Earle 

Religious Education Leader 

First Eucharist Family Faith Night

It was lovely to meet with the year 4 students and their families for our Family Faith Night last week. Thank you especially to the year four teachers for supporting your students through their faith journey. We are excited for their upcoming special day! Please remember to pray for these students and their families at this time.

Pray a Novena for First Eucharist Candidates


At the following link I have shared a Novena which you might like to pray for our First Eucharist Candidates - a Novena is a special kind of prayer! Novenas are usually Nine Days long (although some can go a really long time - even a whole year!) 

Pray More Novenas - Novena for First Communion


First Eucharist Forms

Thank you to the year 4 families that have already begun returning the forms for first Eucharist to School. If you still need to return your form or have lost your form please contact and Ms Earle will liaise with you.

Juan De Juanes - The Last Supper

Key Liturgical Dates Term 2

At St Mary’s we have some important liturgical dates coming up - please note these down for your calendar in Term 2:

Sun 28th May - First Eucharist Preparation Mass 5:30pm

Fri 16 June - Sacred Heart of Jesus Whole School Mass 9:15am

Thur 22nd June  - Sacrament of First Eucharist (Year 4) 6:00pm


As the primary sharers of faith in your family we strongly encourage you to come along and support the students and community in prayer at these services.


Please also keep this date in mind for Term 3

Sun 16th July - Middle School Mass 5:30pm


Laudato Si Week: Care for Our Common Home

Numurkah Parish Banner - Photograph source: Melbourne Catholic


In Australia, the Catholic Church will celebrate Laudato si’ Week this year from 16 to 24 May with the theme ‘Hope for the Earth, Hope for Humanity’.

Read the Article Here