Assembly Snapshot

Friday 19 May Assembly

Hosted By Isabella and Indie


Class Presentation - Prep B

Prep B presented beautiful pictures of their mums and shared what they love to do with their mums. We were so proud of the way they were so confident and clear when reading aloud in front of an audience.


Student of the Week

Harvey Prep B For always packing up when asked and being ready to learn.


Atharv N Year 2J For his consistent effort this week be organised with all he needs each morning.


Zelie F Year 4McD For always taking a responsible approach to your learning. You ask questions, seek help when needed, and give your best effort in all you do.  


Scarlett B Year 4McG For showing determination with your learning every day and having a growth mindset. Well done Scarlett, keep up your positive attitude.


Nesmah Year 5M For following the school's expectations and taking the initiative to keep the class environment organised. Much Appreciated, Nesmah! 


Christos V Year 6D For being a reliable and responsible student, volunteering to take on extra tasks and committing to them with enthusiasm. 



Friday 12 May Assembly

Hosted by Alec and Hayden

Class Presentation - Year 4MCD

Year 4MCD shared information about Cooking with St Mary's College and visiting the Science Labs. Year 4 MCD Master Chefs had us all hungry as they detailed making rice paper rolls, wontons, prawn crackers and energy balls.


Student of the Week

Jack H Prep B For showing responsibility when working and playing with his friends. 


Theodora B Year 1R For always following expectations in the classroom and being organised throughout classroom learning times. 


Polly J Year 2J For her efforts to be focused during learning times and to follow classroom routines. 


Marko M Year 3A For showing focus and independence when approaching his learning tasks.


Nicholas G Year 4McD For taking responsibility to practise your reading every day. You are making wonderful progress. Keep up the great effort!


Zoey Z Year 4McG For always making responsible choices in the classroom and being a role model for her peers.


Xavier G Year 5M For being one of the first to sit quietly and listen attentively, ready to start each session and for voluntarily lending a helping hand in the classroom.


Isabella V Year 6D For taking on the personal responsibility to follow up with her parents over the week, to ensure the completion and return to school of an important document.