Grade 3/4 News

Loving learning every day with Miss Stephan, Mrs Jacobs and Miss Mawby!

Special help from Mr Reid, Mr Hayward, Mrs Harrison and Miss Linda.

Life in 3/4 is getting busy as we move into the last half of Term Two. We have all been working hard, and making sure that we are having fun too. 



We have just finished our work on The Elves and The Shoemaker, and have been drafting and publishing our text response: a journal entry from the point of view of the shoemaker's wife. We have been using paragraphs, complex sentences, time connectives and our vocabulary words to create some amazing texts. We are all very proud of the thought and effort students have put into their work.



In fluid groups, we have moved from addition and subtraction to focus on Money. We have explored ways of making different values using Australian currency, and also looked at ways to spend our money. There has been lots of rich discussion about the links between addition, subtraction and money, and how these skills apply to our everyday lives. 


In classroom maths we have been exploring length, by estimating, measuring, comparing, and objects based on their length. We had a blast finding things around our classroom to measure and developing our skills at estimating - it was fun to get a really close estimate, but just as much fun when we were way off; we all had a good laugh together at some of our broader estimates!

Working together to measure the whiteboard
We were very interested in measuring our heights ...
... and comparing them!
Working together to measure the whiteboard
We were very interested in measuring our heights ...
... and comparing them!


Integrated Studies

In Integrated Studies we have moved on from looking at the Earth's environments and the way in which humans have impacted the natural world, to looking at endangered animals and conservation of species. For weeks, students have been looking forward to choosing an endangered animal to study, so we were all very excited at the end of last week when we paired up and chose an animal. In the coming weeks, we will be working on posters that display information about our animal, their conservation status, and working on strategies to help preserve the species.


Fun times

We were fortunate enough to have an African Dance group come in this week to do some drumming and dancing workshops and share some of their culture with us. Everyone had an incredible time, and wow, do these 3/4s know how to dance! Special mention to Mr Reid who showed off his phenomenal dance skills - if only we had managed to catch it on video! We also had the special treat of getting up close and having a good look inside of truck. Special thanks to Mr Simpson for bringing along his truck and being such a good sport when everyone wanted to climb in and have a peek!



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