Darwinia House

Hello everyone! I am Ira S and I am the student representative of Darwinia 10. It is my first time being in the position of SRC, and I hope that I can represent Darwinia well!
Athletics Day was an enjoyable day, and I am proud of all the effort that the students in Darwinia put in. Although we ended up coming last, we tried our best and supported Darwinia well! Mr. Greaves even wore his iconic maroon suit to cheer on the students of Darwinia with full support.
But we can't give up here! We still have a chance to move up the ranks with House Chorals making a comeback after 3 years. We may have come last in Athletics, but we can show the other Houses that we haven't given up just yet! So please sign up for House Chorals because with more participants, we have a higher chance of winning.
The students of Darwinia had a fun but busy term. The Juniors were able to make it through another term and successfully completed all their CATs. The Seniors had a hard and busy term with exams, SACs and the GAT, but everyone managed to pull through it all and completed them!
Good job to all students and staff for making it through the first semester of 2023! Have a safe, enjoyable and relaxing holiday, and be prepared for Term 3.
Ira S
Year 10 SRC
Darwinia House
Tuesday 6 June, 2023
Meet the 2023 Darwinia House Leadership Team!