Community Updates

Have your say.
The climate is changing, so should we.
We are seeking your views on what support the community needs from Council to respond to climate change.
Research by Sustainability Victoria indicates that 97% of 15-17 year old’s are concerned about climate change, and believe it is an issue that requires urgent action now! Recognising this urgency for action, Greater Dandenong City Council has been taking action across its operations. As an example, Council purchases the electricity used across of all its buildings and streetlights from 100% renewable sources. But we need to do more, and a priority is supporting our community to take action – to help both reduce the impacts of climate change and have a community that is better prepared.
This is why we seeking your assistance. Firstly – we are seeking your responses to our online survey to help inform the development of Council’s first Climate Change Community Engagement & Mobilisation Plan. And secondly, if you are able to encourage your family and friends to also fill out the survey as well – this would help Council to have an even better understanding of what our communities priorities are and then work out the ways we can support our community respond to climate change.
For those that take part in the survey, they can enter for a chance to win one of five $100 Dandenong Market vouchers.
Link to survey:
The survey closes on Monday 10 July.
Nominate someone great!
If you know a Year 12 student who is passionate, dedicated and works hard to reach their goals, this is the award for them. Help them get recognised for their efforts by nominating them for this prestigious award.
Anyone in the community can nominate: students, teachers, family and friends. We also encourage self-nominations!
What are you waiting for? Get nominating!
Nominations close June 30th at 5pm