Our Star awards...

You're a Star Awards for Week 3 of Term 2 were awarded at assembly on 12 May:

FNWilla SFor her fantastic independent writing, super work Willa.
FHIsla BFor your super effort with words to write this week. Amazing job Isla.
FBElise PFor your positive attitude and always giving 100% effort.
FWSam KFor always working hard independently and challenging himself.
1PWill GFor always having such a positive attitude, approaching tasks with enthusiasm. Well done Will.
1JLayla WFor being a thoughtful and considerate classmate, always putting your best foot forward. Well done.
1SEvie BFor being a happy and helpful member of our class, who is always quick to offer care and support to others in need.
1WThea PFor her detailed recount about the stormy weather. Well done Thea.
2GArcher KFor your warm sense of humour and always making others feel happy. Well done Archer.
2MMia LFor showing cooperation and respect by getting along, speaking and playing nicely with others.
2NSunny DFor taking care to do his best work and for being more focused in class. Well done Sunny.
2TAustin CFor working hard on his procedure writing this week. Well done.
3BTanri GFor his awesome effort and enthusiasm during word study lessons.
3HOscar JFor his awesome effort and participation during our word study lessons. Well done Oscar.
3JChloe AFor writing an excellent introduction for her information text about platypus. Well done.
3JPippa FFor willingly sharing her thoughts and ideas with the class and offering answers to questions. Thank you.
3RSara KFor an excellent effort during writing sessions on information reports.
3RSally N-GFor always working to the best of her abilities during assessments.
4BEmily MFor her positive attitude and strong work ethic shown in all areas of school.
4BJackson C      For his hard work and enthusiasm during maths this week.
4DBo GFor showing resilience with having your cast on. 
4DLeo BFor setting a good example for your peers by encouraging others to do the right thing.
4PTilly WFor always giving her best effort and working diligently on tasks in class. Keep up the wonderful work Tilly.
4SJosh FFor his improved focus and willingness to further challenge himself.
5GJames BFor his well written persuasive text on his chosen topic 'There should be a heavy fine for littering.' Great use of persuasive strategies and supporting detail. Well Done.
5HWillow KFor consistently pursuing her personal best during all classroom activities. Well done Willow.
5OJosh YFor always making valuable and well-thought out contributions to class discussions.
5OKade MFor showing a big improvement in his focus and dedication to tasks this week.
5RRiley CFor working well independently during learning tasks and for striving to do her best in all areas. Well done Riley.
5SOlivia FFor a wonderful start at Parkdale PS. Olivia, you are an amazing addition to 5S and we are very lucky to have you.
6BMason MFor working well in the classroom and showing respect to both his peers and teachers.
6CCharli MFor her informative and interesting information report on quokkas. Well done Charli.
6CHarry PFor his engagement in our inquiry sessions and contributing a range of fun facts.
6MJoseph SFor giving his best effort during our writing sessions this week. Well done Joseph.
6RLachie SFor the positivity you bring to each learning experience and wonderful contributions to our inquiry discussion.
6RAddison B       For being an active participant in class discussion and working to the best of her abilities.


You're a Star Awards for Week 4 of Term 2 were awarded at assembly on 19 May:

FNVann IFor playing nicely outside and being a great friend. Super work Vann.
FHAudrey BFor always trying your best and giving 100%. You're a super star Audrey.
FBApril BFor always being kind, polite and helpful. You are a bright light in FB.
FWKirra WFor always being friendly and kind inside the classroom. Well done Kirra.
1PGeorgia FFor trying her best with her writing,  including some great wow words. Well done Georgia, keep it up. 
1JHunter JFor putting in extra effort and care on your recount of Mothers Day. Well done Hunter.
1SRuby WFor being a positive, highly motivated learner, who is always keen to take on new challenges! Keep working hard Ruby.
1WJulia QFor maximising all her learning opportunities and being an excellent role model!
2GAshleigh WFor taking your time with your activities and producing your best work. Well done.
2GDustin SFor your positive attitude and terrific effort in all activities, keep up the great work Dustin.
2MSamuel McCFor your effort and regular participation in class discussions.
2NLyla DFor incredible effort with home reading. Well done Lyla.
2TEllie WFor being a wonderful friend and always trying your best! Well done Ellie.
2TChloe HFor her interesting contributions to our Inquiry topic 'All Mixed Up'. Well done Chloe.
3BHugo SFor his positive attitude and the kindness he shows others. You're a legend Hugo.
3HEva RFor consistently striving to do your best on every task you undertake. Fantastic work Eva.
3JBrooklyn CFor consistently working well on all classroom tasks. Awesome effort.
3RJacqueline BFor being an outstanding classroom helper.
3RFinny GFor doing a great job catching up on work and assessments.
4BSiena RFor her outstanding work ethic and positive attitude towards all learning tasks.
4BRyan CFor always sharing his insightful knowledge and opinions during class discussions.
4DEmmitt VFor your creative and ideas when writing, you have a great 'writers voice'.
4DOlivia TFor your friendly manner and ability to bounce back when faced with challenges.
4PLucas HFor enthusiastically participating in class discussions during our Inquiry activities and mentor text work.
4PAnnabelle S        For showing great 'writer's voice' when writing some engaging information report introductions.
4SEdi SFor her meticulous work and workbooks and taking great pride in the pieces she produces.
4SJuni WFor her infectious enthusiasm and bringing a bright positive attitude daily.
5GAda WFor her well written persuasive text on 'School Uniforms', demonstrating great use of persuasive techniques and use of vocabulary. Great work.
5HWill HFor always being kind and caring to his peers and for always working to the best of his ability. Well done.
5OLachie V For showing a big improvement in his focus this week and writing an excellent collective noun poem. Well done.
5RWill McWFor being a highly respectful and responsible member of 5R. Keep it up.
5SElla SFor being an active and engaged student during class discussions. Fantastic Ella.
5SMustafa HFor great focus on all his tasks this week. Well done Mustafa and keep it up.
6BEden RFor consistently working to the best of her abilities and being an empathetic student.
6CAmy BFor working hard to make progress in all learning areas and presenting her work to a high standard. 
6MLucy PFor displaying determination and perseverance during our writing sessions resulting in a wonderful Information Report. Awesome job Lucy.
6RZoe SFor consistently pursuing her personal best and being a wonderful role model for her peers.