From the Principal
Professional Practice Day - Pupil Free Day - Wednesday 21st June
The Department has approved the use of one of the two teachers Professional Practice Day as a whole school Pupil Free Day. In consultation with staff this day will be used as a half day planning in preparation for Term 3 and teacher conferences from 1pm -6:00pm.
The remaining two curriculum days have been scheduled for:
- Wednesday 6th September – day after concert, planning for Term 4
- Friday 8th December – planning for 2024
Illness - cold, flu, COVID
Unfortunately, it is that time of the year when colds and flu can hit the school hard. We have had several children who have been unwell. If your child has symptoms and is unwell, please keep them at home, this will help stop the spread of colds and flu to other children and staff.
We have also had several COVID cases, so please still monitor/test for symptoms. If your child has COVID the recommendation is 5 days away from school and not attend school until their symptoms have resolved. Students who isolate as a result of a positive COVID test should be supported in the same way as students with an extended absence due to illness or injury, with learning materials provided to support their continued learning.
Air Purifiers are switched on in rooms and hand sanitiser is available. Staff will remind students of the importance of practising good hygiene to help keep everyone healthy.
A reminder that all absences need to be entered on Compass with a reason for the absence (Medical, Holiday, Illness etc). All schools are required to contact parents/guardians as soon as practicable when student absence is unexplained. To assist with this process, we ask parents to enter the absence on Compass before 9am. If you are experiencing any difficulties with Compass please contact Jarrod Bainbridge, 9580 1451.
Bikes and Scooters – Safety
All children riding bikes and scooters need to wear an approved helmet when riding to and from school. We have also had reports of children riding/scooting across roads without looking before crossing. We ask parents to speak with your child/ren about riding safely to and from school, we will also reiterate riding safely.
Prep/Foundation Enrolments 2024
Enrolments for 2024 are now open for Foundation/Prep students. Current families with a child/children commencing Prep in 2024, please ensure you fill out the enrolment form and return to the office by the due date, 28th July.
Japanese Teacher Appointment
As mentioned in the last newsletter Naoko Nishikawa was successful in gaining a position at Gardenvale Primary school.
We have been successful in appointing Michelle Mackenzie to fulfil the Japanese teacher position.
Michelle is very experienced and excited to be starting at Parkdale Primary on Monday 29th May.
Junior Mayor
On Thursday students from the local Kingston schools participated in Kingston’s Junior Mayor. The PPS team this year: Grace C (Head speaker), Owen R, Chanel S, Nick Q.
The topic this year was: What three initiatives would you put in place to improve the mental health of young people in Kingston? At the conclusion of all speeches, the students in attendance voted for their favourite speech and a new Junior Mayor for the year. Congratulations to the team, representing the school.
Buildings and Grounds
The OSHC building has fencing around it's perimeter, in preparation for works to be undertaken. These works will include replacing weatherboards and re painting.
Head lice
For health and safety reasons and to assist with the control of head lice, all children (girls & boys) with hair that touches their collar needs to be tied back.
Leanne Bradney