Parent & Carers Information

2023 P&F Committee 

President - Felicity Williams

Vice President - Leisa Jones

Treasurer - Mitchell Hope

Secretary - Amanda Waters


All P&F meeting minutes will be available through the compass parent portal for your reference.  We encourage all new and existing families to get involved with the P&F committee in 2023!  The P&F provide a means to connect all parents and friends through community-based events and supports the students and the School with a number of key initiatives. 

Got an idea, thought or opinion? 

Send us an email

P&F Meeting - 26th July 6.30pm

Next Parents and Friends Meeting Wednesday 26th July 6.30pm at the St Mary of the Angels Administration Building.


Minutes from meeting held 10.5.2023 are attached

School Advisory Council Meeting - 14th June

I would like to advise that the next SAC meeting will occur on the 14th June at 6:00pm at the St Mary of the Angels Administration Building.

Keep connected with what is happening at school through Compass & the Newsletter

Please make sure you are connected to COMPASS and receive the newsletter.

All families need to have login credentials to the COMPASS portal. Regular information comes from this site to families. Each parent is given a login. If you have lost your login details or are having difficulty logging in please call the School Office for assistance.

It is also really important to read the newsletter fortnightly. 

Library Borrowing Days:

Please encourage all children to return and borrow each week. Pack their book the night before and they will never forget.

Back to School Vouchers

St Mary's is accepting the The Premier's Back to School NSW Vouchers for new uniform items such as the school bags and school hats.  Please note that second hand clothing pool items are not eligible for the vouchers.

School Supervision 

Supervision hours commence at 8.30am in the morning and conclude at 3.20pm each afternoon. Please ensure that your child is not arriving to school prior to 8.30am or being collected from school after 3.20pm. Outside of these hours, school staff will not be available to supervise students. 


For students arriving earlier then 8.30am there is NO supervision available meaning that there is a significant risk with cars and the school buses pulling into the grounds. Please ensure that your child is not walking, riding or arriving to school prior to this time.  

School TV - The Wellbeing Barometer 2023

Because parenting doesn’t come with instructions, SchoolTV is a wellbeing resource implemented at our school to help support you in the challenges of modern-day parenting. Parenting is a learning journey and it’s easy to feel stressed and overwhelmed when faced with raising happy, well and resilient young people today.


Every family has experienced some sort of difficulty or adversity in recent times, some more than others. As mental health concerns continue to rise, there have been some alarming statistics reported in relation to the mental health and wellbeing of young people. Unfortunately, the blueprint for parenting is often based on our own experiences, but this is no longer fit for purpose in raising children as citizens of tomorrow. Parents and caregivers play a vital role in providing the guidance needed to support children and adolescents as they reframe their worries and focus more on the things they can control in their life.


In this Special Report, we are seeking parent participation through a short survey. The survey is designed to provide a barometer to help gauge the state of student wellbeing within our community. We encourage you to take a few moments to complete the survey as this will help our school know the nature and extent of your concerns and determine how best we can support families in the months ahead. Responses remain anonymous and will only be reported on an aggregated basis. You are asked to base your responses on observations made in thelast 12 months.


By working together we can continue to build relationships, foster connections, enable understanding and break down barriers as we navigate a pathway towards better mental health and wellbeing for all students. Please reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback. If this raises any concerns for you or your child, please reach out to the school or seek professional medical advice.


Here is the link to your special report

School Fees

Thank you to our School community for your continuing payments of school fees.  With many families in difficult times, we are very fortunate that everyone makes the greatest effort to pay school fees which supports the education of all students.  Thank you.


I also ask parents to ensure their fees are up to date.  School fees are a crucial economic requirement to ensure all our students can access the curriculum and be provided with improved educational outcomes.  Money collected from school fees is directed towards the children of today.  Any family requiring assistance with school fees is encouraged to contact the school office. 

Techone - Options for paying 

As we have now fully transitioned to the new finance system Techone, their are new ways in which you can make payments to the school, this includes Bpay, CompassPay and EFTPOS. You can make payments for School Fees and Events via the Compass App.  Please contact the School if you require assistance with the Compass App.