P & F Newsletter

Hi St James Families,
Pasta Food Day- Wednesday 2nd August
P&F Meeting- Wednesday 2nd August
Father’s Day Raffle- late August
Father’s Day Stall – Friday 1st September
Father’s Day Breakfast- - Friday 1st September
Yesterday’s Bunnings Fundraiser BBQ was a FANTASTIC SUCCESS raising just under $1500 for our school. A very BIG thanks goes to Dylan DipPierdomenico for coordinating and the following people for assisting on what was a very busy day: Kristan Height, Sam Hutt, Emily Chew, Jason Barrie, James Wingate, Dave Unkles, Tom Dougherty, Adrian Epifano, Jawad Nakat, Ian Harris and Tim Conduit. Also, a big thanks to those, including Patrice Barrie who rushed out to get more sausages when sales were booming, and stocks were running low. We appreciate all your work!
After a big weekend for the P&F last weekend, this newsletter will be a big one folks. Before you read on further about our fabulous community night, fundraising results and things to come take a look at these THREE SUPERSTARS, our Grade 2 P&F Event team Meg Callanan, Lisa Janes and Tash Kaing! After much planning and careful thought they put on a wonderfully fun night for our parent community. If you see them around, thank them for all their efforts and great ideas!
What another great night it was for our parents!! It was great to see around 140 parents and teachers decked out in their finery and their wide variety of both beautiful, interesting and wacky masks for a night of great fun! The night started with mingling as the band played some tunes as they set up. As people enjoyed some drinks and delicious snacks from the grazing table the amazing magician Nick Kay roamed amongst the guests and tables wowing us all with his trickery and mystery!
Our MC announced the winners of the Best Mask- Sarah Vogels for her stand out VERY bright and feathery rainbow mask and Georgia Nolan who wore an authentic Venetian mask which had survived many miles around Europe in a backpack, to finally arrive at St James parent night to win a prize for it's owner! Special mention to the teachers who wore masks made by Vic and some students featuring photos of various random (or favourite!!) students! The best dressed went to Mark Capponi who was a very convincing Zorro! The Surprise Mask Reveal Raffle was held with a short quiz and 5 lucky winners. Thanks again to Meg Callanan, the Barrie Family, the Lovick Family and Upstage Dancewear /The Costume Factory for their very generous donations of prizes for this raffle.
As the night continued we all enjoyed a delicious Paella dinner and the dancing commenced. As per last year we were once again graced with an amazing performance from Dylan as he accompanied the The Baker Boys to sing a tune or two and if anyone was near the front left side towards the end of the night some more fabulously enthusiastic dancing from some grade 4 dads was once again witnessed! As the clock struck 11pm, finishing time, we were told the band would play on which was a relief to many, including myself, as the dancing had really taken off by then. As the night finished at 11.30pm I was lucky enough to hear of some great plans for next year's Parent Night! The volunteer sign up and event contract are almost drawn up and ready to go ladies, so let's lock it in! Looking forward to it!
A fabulous night like this can not happen without the help of many so a big thanks from Tash, Meg and Lisa and I (Kylie) to the following people for all their help either before or after the night:
- Marty Kendrick for his excellent MC'ing throughout the night
- Carly Moran for assisting the team with a marketing plan and communications leading up to the event.
- Tom Wursthorn for the set up and use of his lights for the night. They made a real difference.
- St John's Parish Mitcham for allowing us to use the hall.
- Rachelle Mosca for setting up the float and EFTPOS square for use on the night.
- Set up- Nina Cristina, Natalie Bryant, Shermina Fernando, Aimee Varga, Lusia Kho, Paul Janes, Maree Capponi, Mark Capponi, Glen Tillers and Dave Kaing.
- Door and Raffle ticket sales- Shermina Fernando, Thalita Nikolaidis, Antonia Kendrick and April Warfield
- Pack up- There were so many who helped with pack up that there are too many name and we may miss some. Special thanks to Paul Janes, Dave Kaing, Maree and Mark Capponi and Sarah and Leon Vogels for sticking around to finish with many pack up and clean up tasks.
- SNAP Printing for printing up flyers and posters for the night
- Bucatini Restaurant for the loan of their table linen for the night.
While the night is about socialising and the fundraising is for the auction to take care of, there was some profit made thanks to the careful planning and initiative of the organising team. The Surprise Mask Reveal Raffle made $1000 and an extra $500 was made through careful budgeting and good ticket sales!
I was a bit of a slacker in getting many photos so a BIG THANK YOU to those who sent some in including Meg, Tash, Emma Lovick, Sharlene Epifani and Alicia Sands!
Our online Auction ended last Sunday with a TOTAL of $4436 raised to go towards improving and maintaining facilities for our children! What a great result!! Congratulations to all the winning bidders and thanks to all those who have sent through receipts of payment. It makes it a lot easier for me to manage the distribution of items.
A VERY BIG THANK YOU goes to Natalie Lim and Jason Barrie who helped source all of the great items that were loaded on to the site. A big thanks to Anita Dell'Orso and Rachelle Mosca who also assisted in sourcing prizes.
Below is a full list of businesses, schools and families within our school community who donated items to our major fundraiser. Please support them!
WEDNESDAY 2nd AUGUST 7.30pm in the Multipurpose Room.
Our next meeting will be held the week after next in the evening. It has been a while since a meeting and as always it would be great to see new faces to share the volunteer load and brainstorm new ideas! All are welcome!
PASTA FOOD DAY – Wednesday 2nd August
Flyers for our Pasta Food Day on WEDNESDAY 2nd AUGUST went home on Thursday. Orders are due this coming Thursday 27th July.Sorry but late orders can't be accepted with the CDF pay system now in place. The pasta and muffins are being prepared once again by Aquinas canteen so a big thank you to Junita Yeung (Grade 4 parent) and her colleagues at Aquinas College Canteen.
I will need some helpers on the day to sort and pack snacks and drinks and then help with delivering the pasta to classrooms which will arrive in class groups. If you can help please sign up here: volunteersignup.org/9HJKK
Thanks to those who have volunteered to help over the last few weeks. Just a few more needed over the coming weeks to help sell lamingtons at Friday Recess at 2pm.
Please sign up here if you can help: volunteersignup.org/DTWP9
Thanks for your support,