
Positive Behaviours for Learning (PBL)

At SFS, our school expectations are: 



Responsibility and 



This week we have continued to focus on 


Kindness: Include all (outdoor spaces).


Remember to ask your child about why they have brought home a PBL card and sign it so they can put the card into the weekly raffle. Here is one of out lucky junior winners from last week.  

Here are some of our lucky PBL raffle winners from last Friday.


SFS Twilight Community Market

The count down has begun. Only 12 weeks to go. Tell your family and friends and make sure you have the date marked in your calendar!


The National day of action against bullying and violence is on the 18th August this year. The theme this year is growing together to help prevent bullying. 

For more information visit https://bullyingnoway.gov.au/teaching-about-bullying/talking-about-bullying

We have a school anti-bullying policy which you can find on our school website. The link to the policy is here. https://www.sfslynbrook.catholic.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/SFDS-MACS-School-Anti-bullying-Policy-Including-Cyberbullying-v2-0-2022.pdf


Lego club

This week’s challenge in lego club was called the drop test. The children had to work in a small group to build an object using any 20 pieces of lego that they dropped from a height to see if the structure would not break. They practice important social skills such as listening to each other’s ideas, teamwork, problem solving and practicing their conversational skills. 


Action for Happiness August calendar

This month the theme is Altruistic August. To be altruistic means showing kindness to others because you genuinely want to help in a selfless way. Here are some ways to spread kindness!

Rachel Lenko

Student wellbeing Leader