Rotary Primary School Speech Competition 2023

St Simon’s once again was involved in The Rotary Primary Schools Speech Contest. We had the pleasure of sending two Grade 6 students to represent our school in the competition after going through the selection process.


Students are asked to prepare a 3-minute speech with a positive focus on a topic chosen.

The speech had to have an opening, body and conclusion and not just be a series of disjointed thoughts or “one-liners”. Content will be taken into account.


The following presentation skills will be part of the judging process:

  • Body language and gestures
  • Facial expressions
  • Use of language
  • Diction and clarity
  • Vocal variety


We conducted our own selection process at St Simon’s to establish the two students who would represent our school at the final competition. 


There were eight amazing students that were up for selection; Maddison, Kieran, Annabelle, Jauden, Shenaya, Nic H, Georges and Max. 


On Thursday the 10th of August Maddison and  Shenaya attended The Rotary Primary Schools Speech Contest. Both girls gave a sensational speech and we were proud of them. 


A special thank you to the Grade 6 teachers Ms Sarah Barbanti (Learning Leader), Ms Carly Barca, Ms Sharni Spriggs and Beth Corrigan who prepared the students so well for the competition this year. 













Monica Rayner 

Deputy Principal 

Teaching and Learning Leader 

Maths Leader