Grade 3/4 News

Loving learning every day with Miss Stephan, Mrs Jacobs and Miss Mawby!

Special help from Mr Reid, Mrs Harrison and Miss Linda.

Things have been getting exciting in the 3/4 unit. We had a visit from the Life Ed Program and Healthy Harold (which the teachers were almost as excited about as the students!). We got our dance on, learned about character strengths, wrote a comic and played some games. We all had a blast! 


In Literacy we are learning about the text features of biographies, and learning about famous people such as Rosa Parks, David Attenborough,  Ashleigh Fiolek, Ghislaine Raza, and Frida Kahlo. We have spent time researching a person we admire and writing our own biographies, which we will be publishing into a book to add to our classroom library.


In Maths we are looking at data collection and graphs, and learning more about our classmates interests and preferences. We generated questions, asked our classmates, and turned our information into graphs - we even had a go at creating a graph on computers.


We finished off the week with an intense game of Jedi Dodge Ball after the 5/6s challenged the 3/4s to a game. We were not about to let that one slide! No winner was declared, but stay tuned - we're very serious about giving the 5/6s a run for their money!