Grade 3/4
First Week of Term 3
Grade 3/4
First Week of Term 3
It has been a busy and fun first week back. It was pleasing to see our students return, refreshed, taller and ready to learn.
Our focus this week has been our daily routines. We are also super excited to start our Literacy and Numeracy topics.
In Literacy, we are looking at the features of Information Reports. We are working on learning how to plan, draft, write, edit and publish our own Information Report in the next few weeks. We are also learning about the different types of genres of fiction and non-fiction books.
In Numeracy, we have revised our skills in multiplication, distributive properties and different forms of arrays. Students created a skyline using different combinations of arrays. We encourage students to practice and teach their family, our new multiplication games.
Homework was handed out on Monday, we would ask all students to return homework along with an exchange of readers on Monday, every week.