en Français

Bonjour tout le monde !


Cette semaine c’est fantastique! Tout le monde parle français! (This week it’s fantastic! Everyone speaks French!)


In Preps, everyone has a role in the play. We know “Qui est la Poule Maboule ou le Mouton Fiston ou le Cheval Cristobal ou le Chat Micha ou le Loup Foufou?” (Who is the Crazy CHicken or the Sheep Fiston or the Horse Cristobal or the Cat Micha or the Wolf Foufou).

In Grade 1/2 , we can make long sentences about the story Le Chat et la Lune. 

In Grade 3/4 , we have read the story of Boucles Violettes et les 3 ours. We worked on les contraires (the antonyms).


In Grade 5/6 , Mesdames et Messieurs (Ladies and Gentlemen), this week is the official start of our Championnat (Championship) between the three classes. The scores are very close. We will see next week which class has made the most sentences en français. This week we are focusing on the future tense. 


Merci tout le monde !

A la semaine prochaine!