Staff Profiles

Full Name:

Will Jackson


Role at St Joseph's:

Patrick House Leader


Qualifications/Work/Study History:

Bachelor of Education (Physical Education), Graduate diploma in Outdoor Education, Graduate certificate in Religious Education, Graduate Certificate in Educational Leadership. Have taught PE, Outdoor Ed, RE, Business Management, Metalwork, Woodwork, VCAL, AEL - Enterprise


Length of time at St Joseph's College?

8 years


What do you love most about working at St Joseph's?

The hospitality.


What has been your most memorable moment in your time at St Joseph's?

The Outdoor Ed camp that bucketed down rain but the students were still happy to canoe through the wet for two days with everything saturated.


What is 1 thing that people would be surprised to learn about you?

I am originally a PE teacher. I now teach Technology.



Full Name:

Vanessa Mahoney


Role at St Joseph's:

Education Support Officer, aiding in Year 11 with the VM group


Qualifications/Work/Study History:

After finishing Year 12, I began a degree in primary teaching at La Trobe but then had a change of heart 6 months in, and decided to become a chef. I qualified in Melbourne and then moved back to Echuca after 8 years and did further study to teach in the TAFE sector.


Length of time at St Joseph's College?

I started at St Joes in March 2018.


What do you love most about working at St Joseph's College?

I love being a part of a dynamic community of wonderful staff and students who all look after each other. I love the the rich history of our College, being a past student and working in a large team.


What has been your most memorable moment in your time at St Joseph's College?

I would say the way we all up-skilled to adapt to remote learning was quite memorable. Having catch ups with colleagues over a google meet, jumping in and out of classes online to engage with and support students, fumbling our way through was quite unique.


What is 1 thing that people would be surprised to learn about you?

I have identical twin daughters.