From the Head of Senior School


It is hard to believe we are already in Week 2 of Term 3. With the many events from the last week of Term 2 seeming a distant memory, this is a hectic time for planning for next year. It was a joy to see our students reuniting with their friends and teachers after the holidays, and I hope they are ready to embark on a new term filled with exciting possibilities and opportunities.


On Wednesday of Week 1, I had the pleasure of attending the official opening of the newly refurbished Morey Building. The evening was a busy event attended by students, staff, parents and Old Girtonians. The highlight of the evening was the opportunity for everyone to try the Lumination Learning Lab’s various forms of virtual reality, such as walking in space, visiting a museum, becoming creative in a 3D art world or walking down the streets of Paris. I look forward to hearing our students’ feedback after experiencing the Lab for themselves later this term.  


Over the coming two weeks, there will be several after-school events, including a Year 10 Information Evening on Monday 31 July, followed by the Parent-Teacher Interview evening on Tuesday 1 August, starting at 4 pm. I encourage you to bring your child to Parent-Teacher Interviews, as they provide an opportunity to meet your child's teachers and are a great way to promote communication between school and home. They enable teachers and parents to work together towards each student's learning and social wellbeing, and foster a three-way relationship of trust that gives your child more accountability for their academic and social growth. Additional objectives of Parent-Teacher Interviews include: 

  • documenting the student’s progress for parents 
  • reflecting on learning outcomes and goals 
  • allowing parents to express feelings, questions and concerns 
  • establishing ongoing communication networks between teachers, parents and students.

VCE 2024/2025 Information Evening

On Monday, Year 10 students, parents and caregivers attended the VCE 2024 and 2025 Information Evening. The event started in the newly refurbished Morey Building and was abuzz with activities and questions. 


VCE teachers were available to help students and their caregivers learn more about subject choices for Year 11 and to decide on their future pathways beyond Year 12. Presentations were given in the Lecture Theatre and the Black Box by Dr Emma O'Rielly, Mr Dean Langley, Mr David Martin, Mr Jay Weston, myself, Mr Rod Smith and Mr Glynn Chambers. 


These presentations centred on the design and components of the VCE and the different types of school-based assessments that are conducted in the VCE courses. Students were also given information on the array of support offered, including career advice, weekly Motivate sessions, and wellbeing and pastoral care to help them cope with the demands of studying for the VCE. In addition, current Year 12 students were available to share their studying experiences, challenges and tips for success.


Uniform and Punctuality


Our Senior School students have made an impressive start to the term, ensuring their presentation and punctuality are to the standard we expect at Girton Grammar.


Throughout this term, our focus in Senior School is to maintain our high expectations relating to personal presentation, manners, punctuality and organisation. All Girton staff, including the leadership team and administrative staff, will join our teachers in reminding your child of the required standard, such as shirts being tucked in, blazers being worn to and from School, mobile devices not being used during the day, hair being tied back, and wearing the correct uniform suite. While this list is not exhaustive, these areas often cause the most uniform breaches. All students are given the opportunity to address their presentation during morning tutor group. Any Girton staff member may give verbal warnings, uniform notifications and recommendations for detentions for a breach of our policies. After tutor, if students are seen wearing any aspects of the uniform incorrectly or using their mobile phone or headphones during school hours, they may incur an immediate detention from any teachers who have already reminded them of our School rules.


A student’s punctuality to classes and readiness to learn are essential in ensuring that they develop the necessary organisation skills, and planning ahead by ensuring they have all the necessary equipment will be another focus. Repeated lateness to classes without a valid reason or having to return to their lockers for items may result in a detention. Morning tutor time is the opportunity to ensure all required books and writing materials are organised for Periods 1 and 2. 


Students arriving late to school between 8:40 am and 8:50 am must head straight to morning tutor first and not to their locker. This allows the tutors to maintain accurate records of attendance. Tutors will then permit students to go to their lockers to prepare for lessons in Periods 1 and 2. Students arriving at school after 8:50 am must sign in at the newly refurbished Morey reception. They will be given a late slip, which is then given to the teacher of the first class they attend. 


At Girton, we pride ourselves on our students adhering to the highest personal presentation and behaviour standards. Their uniform should be a sense of pride for them and assist in creating a collective identity and sense of belonging within our School. A student wearing their uniform correctly reflects their commitment to the School community and its values. Following these attributes of personal presentation, organisation and punctuality ensures every student receives the best learning experience at Girton.


Absentees Reminder  

There are three options to report the short-term absence of a Senior School student. 

  1. Email the School: Send an email to with the student’s name, year level, House and reason for absence.
  2. Girton Grammar School app: Use the Girton app to register your child’s absence via your phone. The app can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play. Once installed, follow the instructions to set up your account and register your child’s absence using the provided options.
  3. Online via Astra: The School Absentee form is available on the Parent Services home page in Astra as shown below:


If an absence is recorded online via Astra or via the Girton Grammar School app, the student does not need to provide a signed note when they return to School. Please note that in order to improve the efficiency of our absence reporting process, the absence phone line is no longer an option for reporting daily absences.


I’m looking forward to embarking on another exciting term with our students, and bringing you more updates from our Senior School in the next issue of eLink.


Ms Dawn Davis

Head of Senior School