Year 8 Spark Program News

As part of the Achieve program, the Year 8 SPARK classes are each planning an event to raise money or collect goods for a local Charity Organisation (Sunshine Bendigo). Each class will select their own event type, and then organise and run the event. 


On Thursday 3 August (Week 3), 8D is hosting the 'Sunshine Disco' to support the Sunshine Bendigo Charity. 

Sunshine Bendigo is a charity organisation dedicated to helping families who are experiencing difficult times. They are based in Bendigo, but service all of Central Victoria.


Sunshine was founded in 2016 because the founder Glenda Serpell observed a growing need in Central Victoria from families requiring a helping hand to meet the challenges that come with raising a family. Sunshine Bendigo collect, sort and distribute new and pre-loved baby items and nursery equipment to all families in need. In Glenda’s own words: "It takes a village to raise a child … I believe that the village (our community) is paramount for families to survive and flourish."


All proceeds from this event will be donated to Sunshine Bendigo. If you wish to donate, you can do so on the Sunshine Bendigo website

Event: Sunshine Disco

Time: Lunch (1:30pm–2.20pm)

Date: Thursday 3 August (Week 3)

Entry cost: Gold coin donation

Sunshine Café items for sale at the disco:

Lolly bags: $1, Spiders (drinks): $3, Soft drink (cup): $2 


Varley Bobart

8 Millward