On Thursday August 10th the students had an incursion as part of this year’s Book Week. It was a musical play titled ‘Way Too Cool’. It engaged the students in real life situations, as well as interwove this year’s book week titles that the students have been using in their learning.
The play musical play they viewed was along the following storyline.
Henry and Marley have been friends since they met at Kindergarten, a long time ago now. They have been on adventures, shared their hopes and dreams, and generally always looked out for each other. But recently henry has started to act differently. He has started avoiding Marley at school. He’s too busy for their usual catch ups on the weekend. In fact – he’s not acting like Henry at all. It turns out Henry has started thinking HE’S WAY TOO COOL for any of their usual stuff. Marley must embark on an adventure to find out what is going on and how, or even if, she can make things the way they used to be.
Could the answer lie in the books they used to love to share?
Way Too Cool The students from St Joseph the Worker joined Marley and Henry, as well as a range of characters from the Book Week shortlisted titles, on their musical adventure.
Here are some student responses.
Isabella (SLA2): I absolutely loved the performance I loved how they made it so realistic! I loved how they had a bit of a fight song witch was really favourite book in the story was building blocks because it reminds us about friendship. I would give this this show 5 STARS! And I defiantly want to see another one of there shows again.!!!
Chloe T (SLA1) : In my perspective of the show it was awesome I loved it, it was very entertaining. I liked the dancing and singing. I also liked the way they interacted with the crowd and loved how they were not scared during the performance. It was so exciting to get to go up on stage I would definitely love to do it again. The show teaches us to be kind and respect one another and not to think anyone is better than anyone else we are all equal. I would love for them to come back and do it again my favourite book was dirt by sea.
Liana & Sienna F (SLA) : We thought that this was a great performance for all the students especially for the younger classes. It had great lessons to teach about being a good friend, and not to think you are better than anyone else. Our favourite part was the dancing and the singing, it really made the performance stand out.
Harlie (MLA 3): I absolutely loved ‘Way Too Cool’. I loved how it was so engaging and I also loved the books they used. I would watch it again if I had the opportunity.
Josh (MLA 1): In the performance “Way Too Cool’ I learnt it is not good to be mean and it is much better to be nice. I also learnt not to ignore anyone because that’s not nice. I also learnt that you can help your friends if they are sad.
Marley (MLA 2): While I was watching the performance ‘Way Too Cool’ I learnt that my friends will really care about me when I am nice to them. I enjoyed that one of the characters had the same name as me. I also really liked all the singing. My favourite part was when Henry turned into a really cool person.