Library News 

Library Borrowing

A reminder that every student has library lessons on FRIDAY each week. 

Students will need a bag to safely transport their selections home. Regular home borrowing is an expectation at St Joseph's and although this is limited at present, students are still able to borrow. Books may be taken home for two weeks or returned each week for changing. Books may be returned on THURSDAY in preparation for Friday borrowing.




Book Club

Issue 2 Scholastic Book Club is out now! Orders may be placed online via LOOP, or sent to school in a sealed, labelled envelope/plastic bag. Please ensure your child's name is on the order form. Orders close this Friday, 20th March. Unfortunately late orders can not be accepted. 

Lunch times

The library will be open for students to enjoy every Friday at lunch (second break) and each alternate Thursday at second break. Until further notice, this will be in the shared space next to the hall and will have games,  construction and jigsaws for student use available. 

It is wonderful to see students availing themselves of the activities.

Keep your eyes out for a new activity...

Electronic Borrowing

Ebooks are a great option for students. Our library system- Oliver- is accessible to all students using their school login details. Part of our catalogue are ebooks which students may download onto their own devices for use at home. These books are automatically returned which means no overdue books! I encourage students to browse the ebooks in Oliver. 

Premier's Reading Challenge

All primary studens have received their login details for the Challenge and begun uploading their own data. 

Infants students will be given a reading log tthis week to complete at home which they can return to school for input into the Challenge. Parents of infants (K -2) students who wish to input their childs' books to the Challenge may contact Kaye Galvin for their login details. 

The Reading Challenge concludes 28th August.