General Information

Coronavirus Update

Please check the Skoolbag App for a note that went home last Wednesday with the latest update on Coronavirus and today's Skoolbag App notice detailing all school events that have been postponed. We will continue to update you with the latest information over the next couple of days.

St Patrick's Day

Students are asked to wear green clothing to school tomorrow to celebrate St Patrick's Day and bring a gold coin for donation. All monies collected will go to Caritas.

Unfortunately we have decided to postpone our tour of the new school building and shared lunch in keeping with current advice on social distancing  to contain the spread of Coronavirus.

P&F Easter Egg Raffle - Donations of Easter Eggs Needed

The P&F are again running an Easter Egg Raffle and are asking for donations of Easter Eggs. Raffle tickets will be sold at school - $1 per ticket. Raffle books have also been sent home to those families who have indicated they are happy to sell/buy books of tickets.  All monies raised will go to purchasing new school resources.

The raffle will be drawn on Wednesday 8th April. Donations of Easter Eggs can be left at the Office.

Winter Uniform

A reminder that winter uniform will need to be worn next term.  Depending on the weather summer uniform may be worn up to the June long weekend. However, after this time, all students must come to school in the correct winter uniform. This year we have a new school tie and would encourage everyone whose child needs a new tie to buy one. The change-over in ties will be completed by June 2021. Ties can be purchased from the school office for  $25. The clothing pool also has a  good supply of quality second hand winter uniform available for sale.

Enrolments 2021

We are now taking enrolments for entry into Kindergarten 2021. If you have a child who will turn 5 this year please contact the office for an enrolment application. Interviews will be held early next term.

Important Reminder:  School Hours, Supervision & Attendance

A reminder that school commences at 8:45am and ends at 2:50pm. If your child arrives to school after 8:45am a parent or guardian will need to sign the student in at the front office.  If your child is unwell, please keep them at home.

P & F Association News

This week's scheduled P&F Association AGM has been postponed until further notice.

Kindergarten Photos - Northern Daily Leader

A reminder to all Kindergarten parents to look out for this year's Kindergarten photos from over the region. The photos will be in this Thursday's Northern Daily Leader, 19th March.

School Fees 

School fees are due this Friday, the 20th March for Term 1, 2020.  This deadline does not apply to families currently using our direct debit facility.   Please ensure your nominated direct debit  amount fully covers your child's school fees for the year.  If you are concerned about your school fees, please contact Mrs Gardiner  who is located in the front office. 

There has been a minimal increase in school fees for 2020.  Fees can be paid via the Qkr App; direct debit (please see Mrs Gardiner in the front office to set up); online banking (School Acc:  001000723  BSB:  082-105  - PLEASE indicate in reference who the money is from and for tuition); cash;  cheque.   

School Fee Schedule 2020

1 Child in family - $1,424.00 per year ($431.00 Term 1 - includes $100.00 maintenance levy; $331.00 Terms 2,3,4)

2 Children in family  - $2,549.00 per year ($712.25 Term 1 -includes $100.00 maintenance levy; $612.25 Terms 2,3,4)

3 Children in family  - $3,476.00 per year ($944.00.00 Term 1 - includes $100.00 maintenance levy;  $844.00 Terms 2,3,4)

4 Children in family - $3,807.00 per year ($1,026.75 Term 1 - includes $100.00 maintenance levy;  $926.75 Terms 2,3,4)

Please check your direct debit nominated amounts and contact Mrs Gardiner if they need to change due to the increase in fees.  Thank you.

Student Verification Reports

If you have not already done so, please check and sign the Student Verification report that was sent home and return to school.  This report provides parent/carer contact details and emergency contact details for your child/children.  The school needs this information to be accurate in the case of an emergency, and for the general day to day communication with our parents and carers.  Please ensure an email address is provided for the Primary Carer.

If you have misplaced the report, please contact Mrs Gardiner for another one.

School Photos

This year school photos will be taken on Wednesday 17th June. All students will need to be wearing their WINTER UNIFORM. 

'Real Talk' Information Seminar - To be confirmed

We are yet to confirm if the parent information seminar on Tuesday 31st March from 6:00-7:30pm will go ahead.  Parents will be advised through the normal channels. This seminar is run by Real Talk and aims to provide practical guidelines to help parents navigate and guide their children through the current culture and what impact it is having on our children; technology - tips to help you understand and manage the social media and gaming world; and developmental changes and how parents can help.  The seminar will be held at school in the new learning space.