Other College News

Chess News
Mr Peter McLeish
Today our OCC travelled to ASC to take on the reigning Regional Champions in Round 3 of the NSW Junior Chess League.
Despite early victories for John Harris (Board 1) and Harrison Ross (Board 4) the other two boys Bradley Lidgard (Board 2) and Joe Schmude (Board 3) were defeated by their opponents.
The rules of the competition eliminates Board 4 in the event of a draw. Unfortunately, this meant we lost on a countback for the overall result.
As always, the boys displayed great sportsmanship and camaraderie and they are a credit to our College.
At the time of writing, I am uncertain whether there will be any more challenges for our team this year.
QUIET CONTEMPLATION: Harrison and Brad working out their next move against ASC.
CO2 Dragster Finals
Year 10 iSTEM participated in the finals of the CO2 Dragster racing last Monday. The Dragsters are propelled by a carbon dioxide cartridge, pierced to start the release of the gas, shooting them up the track. They demonstrate mechanical principles such as mass, force, acceleration, and aerodynamics. Two hooks (eyelets or screw eyes) linked to a string on the bottom of the car prevent the vehicle from losing control during launch, and a laser scanner records the speed of the car at the end of its run. The length of the track is 20m which is the international standard. This year Coin Cowley was the victor in the final with a time of 1.064 followed by Archie O'Connor with 1.098 seconds.
Employment Success
Blake McElroy
Mr McLeish reports that Blake has settled well in remote South Australia after gaining a job as a station hand. He is enjoying his time working on a cattle station, chasing cattle every day, drafting off the calves from the cows and yarding up the bulls. It seems that he is also getting experience in the air as a passenger through helicopter mustering. We wish Blake all the best in his employment and celebrate his success.
Dance Eisteddfod
Some of our students who have tuiton in dance outside school have recently participated in the Inverell and New England dance Eisteddfods. Well done to all those students (and parents) involved in their participation. Thankyou to the Australian Dance Enterprises studio for sending their results through.
GALLERY: L to R, Charlie Killen, Marisa Suluma, Sophie Roberts, Lara Windred and teacher, Isabelle Murphy, Lucy Selby, Poppy Stace, Shanae Wark and Molly Brazier.
Molly Brazier (Australian Dance Enterprises)
Inverell Eisteddfod
- Senior Jazz Champion (15 years & over)
- Runner Up Senior Classical Champion (15 years & over)
- 1st – Classical Solo (15 and 16 years)
- 1st - Demi Character (15 and 16 years)
- 2nd – Jazz Solo (15 and 16 years)
- Very Highly Commended – Jazz Improvisation (16 years and under)
- Very Highly Commended – Modern Expressive Solo (15 and 16 years)
- Awarded scholarship for Overall Excellence in Dance
New England Dance Eisteddfod
- Jazz Champion (15 years & over)
- Runner Up Classical Champion (15 years & over)
- Runner Up New England Dance Champion (15 years & over)
- 1st - Classical Solo (15 years & over)
- 1st - Demi Character Solo (15 years & over)
- 1st - Contemporary Duo (15 years & over)
- 3rd - Classical Ballet Improvisation (15 years & over)
- 3rd - Contemporary Solo (16 years & under)
- 3rd - Jazz Improvisation (15 years & over)
- Highly Commended – Jazz Solo (16 years & under)
- Awarded Pamela Poole Perpetual Shield for the highest individual score in the eisteddfod
Shanae Wark (Australian Dance Enterprises)
Inverell Eisteddfod
- 1st – Modern Duo (14 years & under)
- 3rd - Contemporary Solo (13 and 14 years)
- 3rd Jazz Improvisation
- Very Highly Commended – Own Choreography Solo (13 and 14 years)
- Highly Commended – Modern Improvisation (13 and 14 years)
- Highly Commended – Modern Expressive Solo
New England Dance Eisteddfod
- New England Dance Champion (14 Years & under)
- 2nd - Own Choreography Solo (14 years & under)
- 3rd - Modern Expressive Solo (14 years & under)
- 3rd - Modern Expressive Improvisation (14 years & under)
- 3rd - Contemporary Solo (14 years & under)
- Highly Commended – Jazz Solo (14 years & under)
- Highly Commended – Jazz Improvisation (14 years & under)
- Highly Commended - Modern Expressive Duo (15 years & over)
- Local Encouragement Award
Poppy Stace (Australian Dance Enterprises)
Inverell Eisteddfod
- 1st – Tap Duo (14 years and under)
- Highly Commended – Jazz Solo (12 years & under)
New England Dance Eisteddfod
- New England Dance Champion (12 years & under)
- 1st - Jazz Solo (12 years & under)
- 1st – Tap Duo (14 Years & under)
- 3rd – Jazz Trio (14 years & under)
- Highly Commended – Own Choreography (12 years & under)
Lucy Selby (Australian Dance Enterprises)
Inverell Eisteddfod
- 1st – Tap Duo (14 Years & under)
- Very Highly Commended – Contemporary Duo (14 years & under)
New England Dance Eisteddfod
- 1st – Tap Duo (14 Years & under)
- 1st – Contemporary Duo (14 years & under)
- 3rd – Jazz Restricted Solo (14 Years & Under)
- 3rd – Jazz Trio (14 years & under)
Isabelle Murphy (New England Dance Theatre)
New England Dance Eisteddfod
- 1st – Modern Restricted Solo (15 years & over)
- 1st – Own Choreography Solo (15 years & over)
Lara Windred (Australian Dance Enterprises)
New England Dance Eisteddfod
- Highly Commended – Modern Expressive Solo (17 years & over)
- Local Encouragement Award
Sophie Roberts (Australian Dance Enterprises)
New England Dance Eisteddfod
- 3rd – Jazz Solo (14 years & under)
- Local Encouragement Award
Marisa Suluma (Australian Dance Enterprises)
New England Dance Eisteddfod
- Highly Commended – Own Choreography Solo (12 years & under)
Charlie Killen (Australian Dance Enterprises)
New England Dance Eisteddfod
- 1st – Contemporary Restricted Solo (14 years & under)
Unfortunately, Kaylah Selby was forced to withdraw from her solo events due to injury however she managed to make a cameo appearance on group performance day.
The Push Up Challenge - raising awareness for suicide prevention
This year, students and staff at O'Connor have undertaken the Push Up Challenge. The challenge runs over a 24 day period with the challenge being to do 3139 push ups over that time frame. The number 3139, represents the number of lives lost to suicide in 2020. So far the school community has raised $406 with 7 days to ago. Donations can be made below.