Principal's Report
Mrs Clare Healy
Principal's Report
Mrs Clare Healy
On Thursday 9th June Bishop Michael Kennedy visited our College to say Mass for Year 11 and 12 students. This was part of Bishop Kennedy’s parish visits and provided an opportunity for our senior students to hear about the importance of words and actions. In order for us all to create a world that is just and kind we need to ensure that our words and actions lift up and support everyone in our community both at O’Connor Catholic College and the wider community.
On Friday at our annual Spirituality Day we were also provided with reminders of the ‘Twelve Virtues of a Good Teacher’ which are part of our Lasallian Tradition. We were reminded that while there are twelve virtues it is not an expectation that one person would have them all. It takes a team of colleagues, all working to their strengths, to create a community where students can thrive.
We were very happy to have Br John Cantwell, an ex-teacher from O’Connor/De la Salle College and Phillipe Dulwann from the Lasallian Mission Council. Br John and Phillipe were able to work with our Year 11 and 12 students and gave them an opportunity to provide words of encouragement for the staff. This was a highlight for our staff on the Spirituality Day.
Week 9 - Marriage and Family Week
Week 10 - Founder’s Week
We are looking forward to the next two weeks when we celebrate as a community both Marriage and Family week as well as our Founders. Our students will have the opportunity to hear from members of our parish as well as enjoy our traditional Founder’s Day on Friday July 1st. We will again welcome Bishop Michael Kennedy and Father Roel to celebrate Mass with us before enjoying our concert and ‘Capture the Flag’ festivities. More information on the arrangements for Founder’s Day will be sent out through Compass.
Staffing changes
It is with a great deal of appreciation that we farewell Mr Terry McMillian and Mrs Ruth Patrick as they prepare for their retirement at the end of this Term. Both Ruth and Terry has been valuable members of our community over a number of years. Ruth will be missed by the PDHPE faculty as well as by the many students she has had over her wonderful career. Terry's expertise and tireless dedication to our College is seen regularly as he creates a beautiful place for our students to come to everyday. We wish Terry and Ruth every happiness and our sincere best wishes for the future.
God Bless,
Clare Healy