

🎓  Course TypeCompulsory - Pathway options available
🧩  Units

2 in Year 7

2 in Year 8

⏱  Hours per week

3 hours per week in Year 7

4 hours per week in Year 8

✏️  Selection

Year 7: Automatically included.

Year 8: Selection to be made between 2 pathway options for students' compulsory mathematics course:

- Mathematics;

- Modified Mathematics (only where advised).

🧭  Future PathwaysYear 9 Mathematics, Year 9 Mathematics Extended, Year 9 Modified Maths

The Mathematics Curriculum for Years 7 and 8 is developed with the intention of helping students build on their ability to analyse problems and devise strategies to find solutions.  This ability, together with an aptitude for logical expression is essential if students are to have the confidence to thrive in this technological world. The syllabuses foster Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning across a broad range of concept areas: Number and Algebra; Measurement and Geometry; and Statistics and Probability. Technology is used extensively with particular emphasis placed on spreadsheets, data processing and graphics applications. Our approach to the teaching and learning of mathematics is based on two premises: 


  • Firstly, that no real progress is possible without understanding. Practice exercises remain an important part of all Mathematics courses as a means of consolidating mathematical structures and processes.  This is a ‘building block’ component of, and not a substitute for, understanding the purpose, meaning and application of the mathematical knowledge learned.  Students are encouraged to apply their knowledge to problems of varying complexity.  These are presented in a variety of ways to encourage reasoning skills and a true understanding of the concepts involved.
  • Secondly, all progress is success. Every student follows a course suited to their current abilities and development, so that learning can be recognised.  Mathematics is best learned in a rich environment in which a range of learning experiences can be explored, and a sense of continued curiosity can be fostered. Mathematics has made a major contribution to our culture, and should be studied for its own sake. Many aspects of Mathematics without obvious applications, can be enjoyed for the challenge, while stimulating interest and offering valuable insights into the world around us, man-made and natural. In part, the purpose of these courses is to give students awareness of how Mathematics is applied. In particular, students become more aware of the advantages that future studies in Mathematics and related fields can provide. 

Allowances are made for the fact that students do not arrive at the School with an identical mathematical foundation and that development in this learning area occurs at different times and at varying rates. Our programs are designed to allow students to be challenged and to concentrate on content that is appropriate to their current stage of development.


The Year 9 – 10 and Year 11 – 12 Course books contain further information about the Mathematical pathways offered at The Friends’ School.

Year 7 - Mathematics

All Year 7 students study Mathematics. The Connections program provides opportunities for linking Mathematics to other learning areas, fostering opportunities for students to explore a hands-on and minds-on approach through the use of concrete and manipulative materials.

Year 8 - Mathematics Or Modified Mathematics

All Year 8 students study Mathematics. Opportunities to apply mathematical knowledge in other subject areas supplement the learning acquired in Mathematics lessons.  


Some students benefit from participation in a modified Mathematics course.  This program is a less demanding course than the Mathematics program. The objectives of this course are to consolidate and grow mathematical skills and knowledge and to emphasise the ways in which Mathematics is used in real life situations. 


In addition to the above pathway option, a select group of Year 8 students also get an opportunity (if they choose) to undertake both the Year 8 and Year 9 Mathematics courses in one year.  As you can imagine this course is very fast-paced and challenging.  Students are selected toward the end of Year 7 after under going cognitive testing (AGAT) and PAT Maths testing.