Therapy Showcase: School Readiness

5 things your child should know before starting school
(they might not be what you think!)
It’s that time of year again when many parents of pre-schoolers are preparing themselves and their little ones to start Prep.
It can be a time of trepidation, fear and excitement in equal measures for all involved. For first time Prep parents there is so much to think about.
The move from childcare, kindy or preschool is enormous. All of a sudden, your child knows everyone, to suddenly knowing only a handful of kids, or worse – no one. Their routine (and yours) will change dramatically. They will be expected to follow school rules, comply, and adhere to the status quo. For our free-spirited little ones, this can all be a huge ask. For our young kids living in the age of Covid, there's an even greater fear from parents, that their kids have just not had the same opportunities as kids in the past to practice these skills due to recurring lockdowns, illness and periods of isolation. Many parents are worrying if their kids are truly ready. Are they ready to learn, and is academic success within their reach?
Our Occupational Therapists often see children whose parents are concerned that at the age of four, their son or daughter is still using a cylindrical grasp, or is writing the letter C backward. They worry that their kids are going to struggle once school begins. These are common fears, however you may be surprised to know that academic success depends upon far more than being able to recite and write the alphabet.
Before kids are ready to learn, there’s a few other skills they need to master first. You may be surprised to find that the skills our therapists consider the most important for school readiness, are not necessarily related obviously to academic performance.
For a child to be ready to learn, they need to be confident and relaxed, mentally prepared, and comfortable. So how do we ensure our kids are in the right frame of mind, and able to independently achieve these things on a day to day basis?
Here’s 5 things that your child should know before starting school:
1. Can they go to the toilet by themselves?
Your child may have been toilet trained for 3 years, but that’s not what we mean. Starting school often means having a uniform to wear. Some Preppies will have zips, buttons or other fasteners to contend with in order to independently adjust their clothing for toileting. If your little one is not confident with adjusting their clothing, they may hold on all day (which is very uncomfortable) or even have an accident. An anxious or uncomfortable child does not make for a happy learner.
2. Can they open and close a lunchbox lid, and open food packets, yoghurt lids, open a popper straw etc.?
At pre-school, your child will probably have ready access to an attentive grown-up to help them get to their food. At school, the ratios are much higher, meaning that they may not get the help they need. They may also be afraid to ask! If your child struggles with their lunch, they may take longer to eat and miss out on lunch, or worse, avoid eating all together. A hungry or upset child is not going to be in the right frame of mind for schoolwork.
3. Can your child ask for help?
Yelling for mum at home from down the hallway is very different to asking for help in class. Kids can be shy or unsure when it is ok to ask for help. Make sure your little one knows the rules, whether it be raising a hand or going to the teacher’s desk. A child who is afraid to ask for help, or is unsure of how to go about it, may miss an opportunity to clarify information or check if they are on the right track.
4. Can your child wait?
At school, your child will be vying for the teacher’s attention along with 25 other kids. A child that has not learned to wait will quickly grow impatient and will be easily frustrated. They will need to wait in line, wait for lunch, wait to use the bathroom, wait their turn for the monkey bars, and the list goes on. Being impulsive or cutting in will not go down well with the teacher or your child’s fellow classmates.
5. Can your child sit still for at least 20 minutes?
Academic success requires good attention and concentration. A fidgety child, or a child who is easily bored will struggle to sit long enough in class to pay attention and complete their school work.
Pencil grasp, remembering letters and numbers, knowing the days of the week, and colouring in the lines will usually all come with time. When starting Prep it is far more important that your child has mastered the skills mentioned above. The Covid pandemic has impact our children's ability to practice these incredibly important skills.
Our occupational therapists can provide one on one therapy focussing on school readiness skills. Alternatively, our group therapy programs are a great way to practice these skills alongside other children. Find out more on our website, or contact your local ESA clinic for more information.
Author: Nicole Grant, Occupational Therapist and Qld Regional Manager, July 2022