Admin / Finance

Elective charges for Semester Two

Charges for elective subjects will be added to XUNO in week 3, once the class rolls are settled and finalised. 


Parent Payments Reminder

The 2022 parent payments are on XUNO for your convenience.  

These can be found in the XUNO family app under the Payments tab. 

We have put the relevant charges up against your child/ren. 


We do appreciate your contribution towards your child’s curriculum costs as these allow us to run educational programs within the school and provide resources to aid in your child’s learning. 


If you require parent payment forms for your child these can be found on the GSC website under the Resources tab or you can collect them from the school reception.  

Current payment methods include XUNO, direct deposit or BPay.

Please contact Katrina in Finance if you wish to set up a payment plan. 


Excursion Permissions and Payments 

If you wish to pay for an excursion using CSEF or credit on your account you can do the permission on XUNO and either call or email the school to advise of the payment method you wish to utilise. 


Reminder - New phone system arrangement in Term 3

With the establishment of our Sub-School offices, we have made some changes to our phone system to enhance the service we provide.  From the start of this term, when you phone the College, in addition to being able to access the Student Absence Line or Reception directly, you will now also be able to be directed to the Junior or Senior School offices by the press of a button.


Voicemail boxes have been established so if the relevant sub-school is unattended, you can leave a message with them.


We hope you find this enhancement improves your experience when contacting the College.