Young Archies - National Portrait Prize Winner

Year 11 student Jasmine Goon has won the Young Archies Award for 16-18 year olds. This is a National Portrait competition, run annually and hosted by the Art Gallery of New South Wales, where Jasmine’s work is currently on display. 


Winning this prize is a huge achievement as there were over 2400 entries this year. Jasmine took the initiative to produce her piece and enter the prize completely independently of BHS, so the news of her win surprised her very proud teachers.


Her piece is titled “And Who Shaped You?”  In her artist’s statement, she says:  “My younger brother Kevin is non-verbal. His brain has developed differently to a neurotypical person. Despite my brother not being fully verbally communicative, he constantly inspires me to strengthen my integrity and acceptance of those around me. He, without words, has taught me how to develop approaches to other peoples' lives positively. Observing and growing up with him has taught me to not pass judgement on anyone, both inside and out.”





Kait Fry

Visual Arts Faculty Leader