Mobile Phones

Dear Parent / Guardian,


This article is a reminder of our Mobile Phone Policy, attached below.


In accordance with the Department’s Mobile Phones Policy issued by the Minister for Education, personal mobile phones (Cellular smartwatches etc.) must not be used at Ballarat High School during school hours, including lunchtime and recess, unless an exemption has been granted by a member of the Principal class.


There are currently a small number of students with an exemption to carry their phones for medical reasons. They are not to use their phones for any other purpose. 


Students who choose to bring mobile phones to school must have them switched off and securely stored in their locker, or elsewhere determined by the school, during school hours. Students are not permitted to have earbuds in during school hours.


Parents / carers / staff cannot give permission for their child / students to carry their phones during the school day or use them at school.


In the event of an emergency if you need to communicate with your child, please call the school on 5338 9000.



Gary Palmer
