5/6 B

Welcome Back to all students and families!

Another Lockdown run and won. I would like to commend the children for their hard work during this difficult time. Nearly 100% of students in every morning meet, the work submitted was to a high standard and it was great to see so many of the students jump into help desks to ask questions and obtain feedback on their work!


On returning to school the children have had the opportunity to do Interest Reading. This week the theme has revolved around the Olympic Games. The topics the children could focus on are: 

  • The olympics
  • Ancient civilisations and mythology
  • Real life heroes

In writing we have been focussing on the 'Show, don't tell' strategy. We have been practising this strategy through writing different descriptive poems such as Haiku's and Limericks


Some haiku poem examples about lockdown


Days almost empty

An entire loss of fun

Colours lose colour

(But soon it’ll be done)

- Matilda M.


I can sleep all day. 

I can wear my pajamas. 

No one will see me.

- Maria S


Trapped at home all day.

Remote Learning everyday.


- Arnav A


Cannot see my friends.

Not allowed to go outside.

Lockdown is boring.

- Siyana S



In grade 5/6 we have completed our unit on time and are now focussing on chance and probability. The students have enjoyed working on a range of open ended tasks. It has been lovely to see the students back in the classroom and learning together again. 



We are continuing preparing for school camp by learning about the Australian Gold Rush. The students have began developing their understanding of what life was like in the 1850's and how the Gold Rush helped to shape Australia. 


School Camp

Plans are continuing for our upcoming school camp. It's business as usual! This week information will come home with what to begin organising and what clothes to pack. Please be aware of the requirements from the costume school in regards shoes, socks and accessories. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to call Brendan or Tamara. If your child is not intending on coming to camp you need to let the school know asap. Failure to do so may mean camp payment is still required even if your child does not attend. 

Important Dates for your Diaries - Term 3


Year 6 Basketball Lightning Premiership - Friday 6th August (postponed with a new date to be confirmed at a later date)

Whole School Mass (Feast of the Assumption) - Thursday 12th August

Year 5/6 School Camp to Sovereign Hill - Monday 30th August - Wednesday 1st September


Stay safe!


Brendan and Judy