Learning & Teaching

Learning and Teaching encompasses the following areas: Student Outcomes, Curriculum, Assessment, Reporting, Principles and Pedagogy.


Students' reflections: -  Being a scientist and what this means

This term, students in Years 3/4 explored the whole school concept of Physical and Chemical science. They investigated :

  • How does thinking like a scientist help make a difference to our world?
  • Scientists use different processes to help them gather evidence and justify their claims.
  • Materials can change their states when heat is applied.
  • Heat can be produced in many ways and can move from one object to another.
  • Questions can be investigated scientifically using a fair test.
  • Last week, students listened to the story.

We read  Ada Twist, Scientist before students reflected on their learning about Science.


Ada Twist, Scientist by Andrea Beaty


Jake thinks Scientists work on discovering what chemicals do
Zac understands what a hypothesis is.
Joe knows that science involves chemical reactions.
Grace understands that scientists have more than one hypothesis.
Micah thinks Scientists help us out with our lives.
Adelynn knows scientists do experiments.
Alana knows that we can rely on scientists to help us and come up with cures.
Jake thinks Scientists work on discovering what chemicals do
Zac understands what a hypothesis is.
Joe knows that science involves chemical reactions.
Grace understands that scientists have more than one hypothesis.
Micah thinks Scientists help us out with our lives.
Adelynn knows scientists do experiments.
Alana knows that we can rely on scientists to help us and come up with cures.

NUMERACY  - Colleen Monaghan

It has been great teaching the student’s face to face this week and it is so lovely to see their enthusiasm in our sessions. Below are some photos of our student’s learning. 


In our junior session this week, we used our knowledge of formal units to help us order various measurements. Here are some of the students work, we were very proud of how clever we were! 

Samuel 1/2MD & Christian 1/2SC
Zac & Caleb 1/2
Louis & Gemma 1/2MD
Zita 1/2MD & Skyler 1/2SC
Dianna & Estelle 1/2SC
Joe & Jacob 1/2SC
Max & Felix 1/2SC
Samuel 1/2MD & Christian 1/2SC
Zac & Caleb 1/2
Louis & Gemma 1/2MD
Zita 1/2MD & Skyler 1/2SC
Dianna & Estelle 1/2SC
Joe & Jacob 1/2SC
Max & Felix 1/2SC

Have a great break, stay safe and I look forward to working with your children next Term.


STEM - Joe Frazzetto


St Fidelis have purchased a new learning tool where our students will be able to use an educational tool called the Merge Cube. This lets our students hold digital 3D objects, enabling an entirely new way to learn and interact with the digital world.


Our students can explore a galaxy in the palm of their hand, hold fossils and ancient artefacts, explore a DNA molecule, investigate the Earth’s core, dissect a virtual frog, hold and share their own 3D creations, and so much more.


The Merge Cube works with Merge EDU, a hands-on digital learning platform that helps our students to learn science and STEM effectively with 3D objects and simulations they can touch, hold and interact with.


Merge EDU engages kids in hands-on activities that let them learn and explore in amazing new ways!


Click on the link below to see what your child we will be holding and controlling in the palm of their hand.

