Whole School

Kiss & Drop Update - Staggered Afternoon Release

Commencing Term 4 the College is required by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) as part of our application for the new Science and Learning building, to stagger the afternoon release of both Junior and Secondary students. The purpose of the staggered times is to ease traffic congestion. Term 4 will act as a trial period to iron out any pinch-points and to make slight adjustments to make the process as smooth as possible for parents and students.   


It is a requirement of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) that traffic concerns raised by Council, local residents and TfNSW are appropriately addressed as part of the development application process for the new building that will provide enhanced learning, sport, and community facilities for our  students, families and teachers. Details are as follows: 

Kiss & Drop Hours of Operation

Morning8.00am - 9.30am
Afternoon2.30pm - 4.00pm

Staggered Afternoon Release Times commencing Monday 12 October

Junior School (Year 5-6) pick up times3.10pm – 3.30pm
Secondary School (Year 7-12) pick up times3.30pm – 3.50pm

*If families have children in both Junior and Secondary School, the Junior School student is to join his brother/s for pick up from 3.30pm.


Students waiting for pick up after 3.30pm are to wait in the Junior School playground; nowhere else.


Pick up is only allowed on Fraser Street from the Breen Oval driveway to the Tennis Courts and along Edgar Street up to the entrance of the underground carpark. 

Further Kiss & Drop Guidelines

Please follow staff instructions in the designated Kiss & Drop location. 


Please do not park in Kiss & Drop from 2.30pm. The zones are designed for quick entry and exit and operate under the same conditions as no parking zones (Service NSW) and are often patrolled by police and council rangers which may result in fines for those disregarding the instructions on the signs. If your son is not at Kiss & Drop you will be asked to move on and join the queue again. Everybody needs to be patient with this format or find an alternative mode of transport. For example, walking or other active modes of transport (bicycles and scooters or their equivalent electric versions), parking further away from the College and collecting your son or using public transport.  


As a College, we ask that you use Fraser Street and Edgar Street as a ONE WAY zone during Kiss & Drop hours. Do not pick up a child on the roadside opposite the Kiss & Drop or in the streets immediately around the College (including Francis Street and Merley Road). Doing so increases the risk of injury and inhibits the flow of traffic (as well as interferes with buses). It is also required that our school traffic does not block the roundabout at the intersection of Shortland Avenue and Francis Street. If we have people overtaking on the wrong side of the road or moving around vehicles picking up students it becomes a hazard for other drivers, a danger for our students and stops the flow of traffic. In addition, DO NOT pick up or drop off your son in Hydebrae Street. The boys concerned will receive a consequence.  

Road Safety 

The College continues to receive numerous calls from concerned drivers and residents about the lack of care some boys are taking crossing the roads at various points surrounding the College. I ask that parents remind their sons to consciously look both ways, cross at crossings where provided and not to weave between built up traffic.


Over the years we have been clear about our expectations at Kiss & Drop to provide safety for all students and to accommodate the concerns of our neighbours. Please do not abuse our staff for doing their job. This is not only rude and intolerable it is not what we expect of members of our St Patrick’s College community as we look after your children’s safety. Thank-you for your attention to this as we all aim to keep our students, parents, and staff safe.


Richie Chacon

Director of Business Services