T.I.M.E (Music)

During remote learning for Term 3 students have been composing rhythms and their own songs using notation. Some students have learnt completely new skills, whilst others have had the opportunity to use some of the skills they have learnt from their individual instrumental lessons. 

With the preps, grade ones, and twos, we have focused on creating rhythm patterns using simple instrument / sound notation to produce our own little song compositions, while the older grades have practiced and used musical notation to create short compositions that we have been sharing. Below are some of the examples of their fantastic compositions.

Kii TPS Community


Thank you for our school community in joining us on Friday night for the Lockdown Rockdown Festival Ganbu (1). 


Ngoongodgin to our amazing year 6 musicians, their families and TIME teachers for these amazing performances. Ngoongodgin to our amazing TPS teachers, ES and admin staff for being a part of this event.

It was wonderful to celebrate as a school community together!


If you sadly missed the evening below is information on how you can access the performances. We've had a number of request for access to the video. 


Below is the to file for streaming, it will require that you login with a department ID ( @schools.vic.edu.au or @education.vic.gov.au )


This is the same details that you use to log into Google Classroom or Google Meet.

LockDown RockDown Festival Ganbu


Please do not request any access from any other addresses (etc @gmail,@hotmail) only use ( @schools.vic.edu.au or @education.vic.gov.au ), due to child safety standard this will not be granted. 


We will also be posting this in your students google classroom and seesaw


Ngoongodgin for your support of the T.I.M.E Program and we will see you soon for the next edition.



Emma on behalf of T.I.M.E Crew


The Mayor of the City of Darebin  Susan Rennie was present for the whole event and she wrote:
“What a seamless and extraordinary production. Please pass my congratulations on to all the students involved and to your amazing team of staff who supported this ambitious and successful initiative.”