
Welcome back!

It was with open arms we were able to welcome back our Year 7-10 boarders to their respective Houses this last weekend. Boarders came from near and far to reunite with friends and staff. I greatly appreciate Nick Dopheide, Gavan O’Donnell and Linda Archer for assisting with the logistics of our South Australian boarders. Once again, it was a sad but exciting time at the VIC-SA border. All boarders returned with great smiles on their faces and I must admit the excitement of having our boarders back in ‘House’ was palpable.

Busy boarders are happy boarders

Our boarding house is abuzz with activities each weekend and last weekend we were flat out just trying to keep up to speed with our boarders and boarding house. From dog walking, lessons in driving a car or a plane, water falls visits, lemon picking, golf, bike riding, and movie watching, our boarders certainly live a busy life.

With the recent rain, the local rivers are flowing fast with magnificent views of the Wannon and Nigretta Falls. In addition, Lake Hamilton has been a spectacle for our boarders to witness the spillway.

It is always good to get away from the books and enjoy the weekend for what it is; relaxing, recharging and spending time with your friends. Part of helping boarders relax in a homely environment is when staff kindly bring their pets with them to work. Patricia See, who is also a Myrniong Year 5 teacher, is a wonderful MOD who last weekend brought in ‘Apricot’. Apricot was taken for walks and generally cared for, however, we think Apricot also cares for our boarders: jumping onto beds, giving hugs to our girls, and then falling asleep under desks whilst boarders complete some study during the day. Thank you, Patricia for bringing Apricot into Mac House, it was very much appreciated.

Liv Handbury (Yr 8) and Annabel Hetherington (Yr 11)
Liv Handbury (Yr 8) and Annabel Hetherington (Yr 11)

Welcome back from our boarding house captains – an open letter from Ben and Lizzie.

Dear 7-10 boarders,

As your boarding house captains, we want to take the opportunity to formally welcome you back to the boarding house for Term 4. 

We have thoroughly enjoyed leading you this year as your boarding house captains and it has been an absolute pleasure to work with you all. The support you have given us this year in participating and contributing to House meetings and always doing whatever is asked of you has been amazing and we really would like to express our sincere appreciation. We are extremely grateful.

We hope you’ve enjoyed the year and the increased time you’ve been able to spend at home with family and we wish you the best of luck for the rest of this term. It is important that you make the most of being back at the boarding house and surrounded by friends again. 

We look forward to spending some of the time we have left at school and as boarders with you. 


Kind Regards,


Lizzie Duver and Ben McCure

Macdonald and Speirs House Captains. 


Andrew Monk