From the Principal

We are back and the innocence and pure joy on the grounds was palpable.  I commend all the boys and girls on the very positive way they returned to the classroom.   The students quickly adjusted to our new set of COVID-19 protocols and our traditional high expectations around uniform standards and academic focus.  This is why I love regional schools and most especially, The Hamilton and Alexandra College.   Our community is accustomed to challenge, imperfection and adversity.  We celebrate the good and tenaciously work through the difficult. We have character!

This week, Linda will send you a link and invite you to complete an Independent Schools Victoria (ISV) Parents’ Survey.  Every two years, the Board and Executive seek your insight into our vision and continuing operations.  This year by utilizing ISV’s broad network, we can benchmark our data to measure how we are tracking relative to other Victorian independent schools.  Your honesty and input are always valued.  The survey closes on Friday 30 October.

Please note that Monday 2 November is a normal school day.  The Andrews Government decision to re-schedule the Grand Final public holiday to Friday 23 October reduced our VCE preparation by one day.  Given all the disruptions already, it made no sense to continue with our proposed ‘Pupil Free Day’ prior to the Melbourne Cup public holiday.  Hence, I have altered the calendar to provide more support for VCE students and more learning time for all our children. 


Dr Andrew Hirst
