From the Students.

Please collaborate with us.

Please read the open invitation and let yourself go ..


Grade 1 Students had a virtual cooking session this week



Santiago reading his fabulous writing piece about the zoo incursion

Amy singing and playing a beautiful song

Lachlan learning about the colour wheel

Foundation R flat teacher stories

Miss Romeo as a bitmoji
Miss Romeo as a bitmoji
Annabelle FR
Harrison FR
Jeremy FR
Luca FR
Annabelle FR
Harrison FR
Jeremy FR
Luca FR

PE at Home

Victoria M from 2B has been busy working with mum on her fitness during the current lockdown (home PE program!). Vicky’s main areas of focus have been sprinting at the athletics track; learning how to ride on the mountain bike trails next to the Yarra river and go down mountain bike jumps, supplemented by some rollerblading. Vicky is an avid runner and cyclist with aspirations to own both a road bike and a mountain bike! Vicky is running consistent laps of the athletics track (often overtaking adult runners!), running timed 100m sprints; and also learning how to long jump at the track. It’s amazing what you can fit into an hour of exercise each day! Watch this space, IPS has a strong future sprinter on its hands!


Science Experiments

Oliver from 3HK and Will  from 1H enjoying investigating Science.

Danielle B from 4T and her family show off their critical thinking and engineering skills as they put together a new trampoline for her brother Lenny.


What talented students we have at IPS!  We are all looking forward to seeing more next week and I wonder what you can teach us?


How about an online jigsaw.



Feel like engaging fun mental health activity with your child right now? 

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