
MyCity: Message from the Coordinator

It has been another challenging term with the continuation of remote learning. However, we have been able to draw on our experiences from Term 2 with our learning and teaching. 


The MYSELF teachers have continued to work hard, finding innovative ways to present our curriculum. One thing that continues to be apparent is the resilience of our students. 


The feedback from students has been very honest in their reflections of the term 3 units. Students recognised the efforts of teachers and are adjusting to the new normal.


Ms Cathy Gucciardo

MYSELF Program Coordinator

Ms Gucciardo's MyCity Class: Well done, students!

I have been lucky to have such a great group of students in my MyCity class. 


We explored many interesting topics related to our wonderful city of Melbourne. We examined the public transport network and discussed commuting etiquette.


Students created posters on our city's history and PowerPoint presentations on the attractions that bring people from all over the world to Melbourne. 


Students undertook an inquiry into an important issue that has a significant impact on our city including homelessness, drug abuse and environmental issues. 


Despite the unit currently missing the many excursions that would normally have been organised to places of interest, students found strategies to make the best of the situation. 


I hope that students will have opportunities to visit the city in the future with their friends.


Ms Cathy Gucciardo

MYSELF Program Coordinator

MyCity: A new angle during remote learning

Remote learning certainly presented an interesting challenge for MyCity students this term with the usual excursions into the Melbourne CBD being off the table!


Instead, we embarked on exploring iconic elements and issues facing cities around the world including New York, London, Tokyo and Paris. 


Students then undertook an inquiry into a city of their choice, asking critical questions and researching interesting aspects of that city.


It has been great watching students expand their knowledge and understanding of different places in the world, including the impact of climate change, violence, population density and mental health.


The students often came up with interesting facts that I didn’t know! 


Congratulations to MyCity students for their diligence and inquiry into different cities of the world.


Ramya Annavarapu

MyCity Teacher

MyCity Student Reflections

Anthony L (9K):

"MyCity hasn't been as good as what I was expecting, but that is because we've had to do it in lockdown. All my friends who did it in Term 1 loved it."


Lily P (9D)

"MyCity wasn’t the best because we are in lockdown but I’ve heard that it's really good when you can actually go on excursions."

Hasti K (9B):

"My experience with MyCity this term was very good. I had lots of fun even though we weren’t able to go to the city. I still leant a lot. My teacher was very helpful and gave us plenty of time to finish the work. Overall, my experience was good and I enjoyed it."


Harrison M (9I):

"I had a fun experiences this term and I  would recommend it to others."


Amirreza R-T (9F):

"My experience this term with MyCity was totally new. I learnt lots of things about Melbourne, such as its history, iconic attractions, different streets, and issues affecting the city." 



















My Rock Band


This year was the first time students could take on the new MYSELF subject, My Rock Band. 


The original structure of the subject was for students to form bands and work towards producing, promoting and performing in a Rock Showcase at the end of term. 


Unfortunately, with online learning, we had to rethink things. Students made PowerPoint presentations about themselves and their musical interests in the first week to introduce themselves to the class and find out who might make good band mates. 


Once they had put in their preferences, bands were formed and students selected songs they thought would work for their band. Students learnt to choose songs that suited everyone’s abilities and makes compromises when it came to the style of music they chose. 


Students then went away and worked on their parts until they could video themselves performing their songs, with the aim of creating a grid video featuring everyone in their band.


Students had to problem solve technical difficulties such as not having drum kits at home, hearing the guide track without it spilling into the recording, camera placement and large file uploads. With a variety of abilities in the groups, most had to work very hard to develop their playing skills to a standard to be able to play their parts, then build up the confidence to video themselves and share their work with the class. 


It turned out to be a bigger task than expected but the majority of students managed to upload some fabulous videos. 


Although we didn’t quite get a complete grid video finished, the students improved their playing skills and met other like-minded students in Year 9. 


Many are hoping to be able to play together at lunchtimes if we return to school in term four and maybe even hold a virtual concert with them all on stage together. Fingers crossed!


Nick Dean

My Rock Band Coordinator