Assistant Principals' Report

Remote learning feedback from parents and carers

Ms Elisha Sadikay, Acting Assistant Principal
Ms Elisha Sadikay, Acting Assistant Principal

Thank you to parents and carers who responded to our request for feedback on our remote learning practices. We really value your input as you provide a unique insight into your child’s learning - an insight that is even more important to us than ever given that they are learning at home. 


It’s clear that students have worked hard to manage the challenges of remote learning, and we are so proud of them. We’re also very proud of our teachers and educational support staff, who have shown resilience, endurance, flexibility, but most importantly compassion and understanding for the young people they teach. 


Positive responses in the survey indicated that our parents and carers feel confident that their child can access wellbeing support if needed, and that teachers are regularly demonstrating that they care for your children. 


We’ve invested lots of energy into our wellbeing practices, including mobilising members of our wellbeing team to check-in on students. We have also promoted positive messages of self-care through Compass and our Facebook page, as well as directly through classroom teachers. We are pleased to hear that these efforts have made an impact. 


The feedback also indicated that we had communicated clearly with you as a school. 


You also gave us some great ideas for our next steps. In response to feedback that there was a lack of clarity around attendance requirements, we have increased communication with our teachers about these expectations, making information clearer and more consistent across different classes. If you have concerns about how attendance is being marked, we encourage you to communicate with your child’s teacher. We are all keen to make this work for young people. 


Your feedback also acknowledged the challenges around creating lessons that are engaging and stimulating, and you shared your concerns about the amount of screen time, as well as your child's ability to focus for long periods. 


We share these concerns and are currently looking at ways to shift the focus in some subject areas to allow for more physical activity and learning away from the screen. I would like to acknowledge the amazing work of teachers who have already begun this journey, including those in the Languages, Health and Physical Education and Arts and Technologies Learning Areas. 


Many of you identified specific teachers or teams that you wanted to express your gratitude to. Please know that we are sharing these comments with each of these teachers to let them know that they are appreciated, and for many teachers, it has been the bright spot in their day. 


It has been amazing to see how our school community has come together in the spirit of openness and compassion to respond to what is a new and uncertain experience for all of us. 


As parents and carers, you have been so supportive, and your kind words, reassurance and the effort you put in at home to support your child to engage has been pivotal in this time. We are very grateful. 


Elisha Sadikay

Acting Assistant Principal

How can we help ? Easing the transition back to school

We are eager to provide parents and students with the best possible transition back to the College.  At present, that is hard to plan for as we are unable to speculate about when that might be.  


I am keen to hear from you about what we can do to welcome our community members back onto site when we are finally allowed to be together in person.


Please contact me to pass on your ideas.


Ms Gina Carroll

Assistant Principal