Senior School

Term 4 Here We Come!

Congratulations – we’ve nearly made it to the end of remote learning! Please see the important information below on the practice exam period, key dates and end-of-year activities.


Week 1, Term 4

Week one of next term will be conducted remotely, except for the GAT (Wednesday, 7 Oct from 10am – 1:15pm) which will be held on school grounds.


During the other four days of week one, a formal practice exam period will be conducted. More information on the exact details of how this will be run will be provided, however please note that attendance is compulsory, and the completion of these practice exams in timed conditions is very important for exam preparation.


Is it expected that students print-off the exams so they can complete them handwritten, if possible. Exams will be released on the last Wednesday of the holidays (31 September), to give students time to get them printed.


If possible, we encourage parents and carers to supervise students while completing the practice exams to minimise distractions and help replicate an 'exam' environment.


Key Dates

We have also confirmed final important dates for the Year 12s as follows:


In the event that family members are not allowed on school grounds for Valedictory, we will work towards live streaming the event.



It is becoming increasingly unlikely that the Formal will be able to take place at Leonda By The Yarra. Please know we are committed to holding a celebration of some sort on this day, which may end up being during the day on school grounds. We will do everything in our power to send off students in style!


Happy holidays to everyone – the strength and resilience all students and families have shown has been remarkable! As a school, we are so proud of each and every student for getting through such a challenging time. It's important and expected that you have a break and take the time to recharge before a big term four.


Elly Stewart

Year 12 Coordinator

Message from Year 11 Coordinator

I would like to congratulate the Year 11 2020 Cohort once again for their resilience, consistency and wonderful efforts this term. It has been awesome to see VCAL and VCE students persisting and meeting outcomes despite these unprecedented times.  


My thanks extends to teachers, parents and families for your incredible support of student learning. We are truly lucky to have such a wonderful, supportive community to ensure students are learning and achieving their absolute best.


Ms Ramya Annavarapu

Year 11 Coordinator

Beyond Blue: Wellbeing Resources


Please explore the following wellbeing resources that may be of help to students and families.


Click here to access 'The Desk'. You will discover:

  • Modules to develop problem-solving and self-management skills. Topics include getting things done, staying calm, staying connected and feeling good.
  • Tools to help with everyday issues such as relaxation, challenging unhelpful thoughts, using feedback constructively and problem solving.
  • Quizzes about different areas of life such as relationships, physical health and mental wellbeing.
  • An online Coffee House for students to connect with other students, share experiences, music, art, recipes and more!
  • Links to information and support services to help deal with a range of common issues.

Resource for Parents: How to support your child during Year 12

Course Counselling and Subject Selections

Last week, our Year 10 students participated in Course Counselling with their DiSCovery teachers. It was an excellent day full of positive conversations about future pathways and subject choices for 2021. 


Coordinating this process remotely was extremely challenging, so I would like to congratulate Asli Dulger and Jonathan Tennent for the exceptional job they did. 


I would also like to thank the DiSCovery teachers and Senior School Team for the support they provided. Some students were disappointed that they were not able to pick subjects that they were not recommended for, which is understandable, but I'd like to encourage these students to work hard for the rest of the year and see if they can turn that around. 


Teachers will be asked to give recommendations again midway through term four, and any student who gets a positive recommendation at this point will be invited to resubmit their subject selections.


Course confirmation will happen midway through term four just before Headstart, which is when students will begin their studies for 2021.


Ty Dennis

Head of Senior School

Virtual GAT Assemblies


It was wonderful to see over 270 Year 12 and 11 students online in our virtual GAT assemblies across the last two DiSCovery lessons. 


These assemblies were run to help prepare all students who are completing a Unit 3/4 subject for the GAT, which will be running on school premises on Wednesday, 7 Oct from 10am - 1:15pm.


Students have access to the recordings and PowerPoints for both of these assemblies via the year level Microsoft Teams groups.


Students are reminded to access this website to register and receive VCE results in December (different to VTAC):


Elly Stewart

Year 12 Coordinator