Acting Principal's Report 

Term Three in Review

Mr Glenn Morris
Mr Glenn Morris


Welcome to the final week of term three after what has been a challenging time for everyone in our community.


I would like to share some highlights from term three and guide you in what's ahead as we approach the final stage of the school year.


Positive outcomes

I would like to acknowledge that throughout both periods of remote learning, attendance and engagement of students has remained high. 


The provision of a familiar structure, a rigorous teaching and learning program and solid student management systems, has seen our College continue to deliver strong outcomes for our families. 


During this period, we have continued to focus on meeting the objectives set out in our School Strategic Plan (SSP) and our Annual Implementation Plan (AIP).


Focus Area:

‘Maximise student learning growth through building practice excellence’


In striving to achieve this goal we have delivered explicit lesson structures, as evidenced through our published lesson plans. 


Learning Specialists (LS) and Leading Teachers (LT) have provided staff with professional learning on the various phases of the lesson.


LSs have been supporting teachers through their involvement in classroom observations, mentoring and coaching. 


The preparation for student led conferences (SLCs) aligned with the professional learning staff undertook in regards to the 'Review and Reflect' component of the lesson. 


These activities support students to set goals based on teacher feedback and self-assessment. 


Identifying the next steps in their learning develops metacognition and personal capabilities. 


Student Led Conference: Feedback

Feedback regarding the SLCs has been sought from staff and families. It has been overwhelmingly positive with the vast majority reporting that they would like to see this included as part of our future program.


Focus Area:

‘Improve student engagement and awareness of independent learning through student voice and agency’.

When transitioning into remote and flexible learning, our College leadership team understood the importance of seeking and responding to student feedback in order to keep students engaged in their learning. 


Further opportunities to seek student voice were provided through DiSCovery classes. 


The feedback from surveys and teacher observations has been presented in various forums, including learning area leaders, curriculum committee and leadership team meetings. 


Responding to Feedback: Lessons

The leadership team responded to the information by reducing the length of lessons from 75 minutes to 60 minutes to allow students time to physically and mentally prepare for their next lesson. 


Advice was provided to staff to remove homework requirements for students in year 7-10 so they had time to care for their physical, social and mental health and wellbeing.


The students have identified significant shifts in our use of the DSC Instructional Model. 


Staff have responded positively to this, and our students are working collaboratively with our staff so that they can develop lesson plans which are accessible to students.  Staff are asking students:

  • Are my lesson plans clear?
  • How can I make them better for you?

Students have requested extension opportunities be provided in lesson plans, and identified the most effective ICT tools.


I am confident that we are building a culture where teachers enable students to be active participants in their learning.


Student Wellbeing

The Wellbeing team has responded to the student survey by identifying and reaching out to students seeking support. 


The Wellbeing team is focussed on ensuring that our students know that there are adults who care for them and can offer support.


Term 4 Priorities

Doncaster Secondary College will ensure that every student in our care is supported in their wellbeing, learning and transition needs. 


Our priorities are:

1.       Wellbeing and Equity: Mental health of staff and students is the highest priority.

2.       Learning and Excellence: Adapt the teaching and learning program in Term 4 to meet all students at their point of need.

3.       Transitions: Conduct contextually appropriate orientations and end-of-year celebrations.


Transition to On-site Learning

We will ensure that our transition from remote and flexible teaching back to learning on-site is as seamless as possible.  

The health and safety considerations are at the forefront of our planning. We are looking at what staggered breaks, social distancing and maintaining high levels of hygiene look like at DSC.  Our first major on-site program will be the General Achievement Test (GAT) which is being held on Wednesday 7, October.


Whilst students studying VCE/Senior VCAL/VET programs will begin on-site learning from Monday, 12 October, all students from Years 7 to 10 will continue with remote and flexible learning until further notice.


The Department has outlined that schools are able to have increased flexibility in regards to curriculum provision in Term 4. As a result, we are discussing how we can support students to catch up on learning they may have missed in literacy and numeracy. 



In the absence of NAPLAN testing in 2020, students have undertaken ACERs Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT) for Literacy and Numeracy. 


The approach focuses on assessing and monitoring student growth over time and understands that students of the same age and in the same year of school can be at very different points in their learning and development. 


Further PAT testing will take place early in term 4. Understanding the level of achievement allows us to tailor programs to meet student needs.


Term Break: Healthy habits

Please take some time to look after yourself during the next two weeks. I know that staff and students are looking forward to time away from their screens. 


Here are some healthy habits to consider:

  • take a break from social media
  • spend time with positive people
  • do some exercise
  • try to eat healthily
  • get creative with some art or music
  • try meditation and mindfulness.

This link has some more great advice for students. 


COVID-19 Updates

You can find the latest information on coronavirus advice for schools from the Department of Education and Training or by calling the coronavirus advice line on 1800 338 663.


Thank you for your ongoing support throughout the year and I look forward to working in partnership with your family next term.


Enjoy the break and stay safe.


Glenn Morris

Acting Principal