S.W.P.B Update
And the winner is..............
Thank you to all the students, parents and staff who voted on which Wally you preferred - Wally in uniform or Wally in his natural attire. We had 72 people lodge their vote and the winner was Wally in our school uniform!
27 people preferred Wally in his natural attire and 45 people preferred Wally in our ETRS uniform. We will ensure that we have our school logo on his shirt. We look forward to having a 3D Wally the Wanderer join us at ETRS in the near future.
This was a great way for students to have their say promoting student voice across the school.
SWPBS Behaviour Focus:
This week's value focus is:
This week's behaviour focus is:
I will put the equipment away.
See our video
(Hopefully this works)
ETRS PBS Showcase
This week, our SWPBS team presented our SWPBS Journey to the North Western Region of Schools. This presentation is part of a professional development opportunity for all the schools in our region who are implementing SWPBS in their own schools. It is a chance to share and showcase what everyone is doing, what is working and what have been the challenges along the way. It was a great opportunity to share all the wonderful things that are happening at our school in this space.
Thank you to Zara, Hayley, Emily and Anthea for your time, effort, and commitment to making it a great success.
Virtual Wally Stickers
You may have noticed that Wally has 'gone virtual'. Wally stickers are still being distributed but this time they are being handed out virtually. Wally stickers are being awarded for excellent work that has been submitted, attending Webex meetings and for students demonstrating our school values beyond the school gate, even in your homes.
When we return to school, these virtual stickers will be tallied up and added to your collection at school. We will then award certificates and rewards can be claimed. Keep an eye out for one on your Class Dojo account.