From the Deputy Principal/Head of Senior School

Mr Paul Brooks

Staff Professional Learning Days

Last week the College staff were engaged in Professional Learning activities covering a range of areas. Of particular note was one workshop that focused on Positive Education. This session was led by a senior staff member from the Positivity Institute and it covered a range of background learning material for staff on the theories, models and foundations of Positive Education as well as the benefits of positive psychology. Following on from this workshop, a small group of staff will be working to develop some proposals for consultation with staff, students and parents about approaches to Positive Education that can be introduced at St Gregory’s College in 2021. 


Another significant session during the staff days saw a large number of staff join one of ten Reference Groups to continue the planning associated with the implementation of actions from the 2020 Annual Plan, which flow from the four Strategic Priorities for the College. These groups represented a diverse range of areas including the College Master Plan, environmental sustainability, learning management systems, data management and communications, outdoor learning areas and positive education. In due course, further information will be provided to members of the College community about each of these areas and some will involve representative groups of students and parents working with staff through consultations about future directions.


A Respectful and Unified Community

Recently, I spoke to the students in the Senior School about one of the College’s four Strategic Priority areas, that being A Respectful and Unified College Community. The purpose of my input was to remind the boys about how they can be respectful of themselves and how they can show respect to others. I noted that respect for others involved having  due regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others. To this end, a good way to understand how to act respectfully would be to consider how they like to be treated and to think about how their behaviours and actions impact on others. 


I specifically focused on the inappropriateness of using foul and offensive language and emphasised that it isn’t acceptable to be swearing or using language in a way that upsets or offends others. Too often, we are finding that we have to correct boys for using swear words or other inappropriate language or speaking in aggressive or inappropriate tones. The point was to ask them to stop and think about the words they are using when speaking and interacting with others, whether at school, out of school or travelling on transport. I challenged the boys to be better when it comes to the use of inappropriate language and to think more about the impact of their behaviours and actions on other people. 


Having said this, I also acknowledge the many boys who do set a very high standard through their actions, behaviour and co-operation with each other and with the staff, through the application and dedication to their schoolwork and by their genuine friendliness and positive approach and attitudes. I also thank and acknowledge the vast majority of parents and carers who support the high standards and expectations set by the College and the stance taken when needing to address matters of concern with individual students or groups.







Mr Paul Brooks

College Deputy Principal / Head of Senior School