Justice News

Fairtrade Fortnight

7 - 20th August was FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT


Fairtrade Fortnight is an annual campaign that celebrates all things Fairtrade. 

It is an opportunity to work together to raise awareness, promote Fairtrade products and highlight their positive impact. Together we can amplify the message, reaching a larger audience. Show what you stand for and your support of Fairtrade!


Fairtrade Fortnight 2020 is all about highlighting the important difference we can all make on people and the planet by choosing Fairtrade. Let’s celebrate the positive Fairtrade transformation and what it means to the people and communities that are a part of the Fairtrade system and demonstrating the power of retailers, brands and consumers to make a difference


Take the ‘Do You Shop Sustainably’ QUIZ; find out where to shop Fairtrade; and get more information at: https://fairtradeanz.org/for-consumers/what-is-fairtrade/get-involved/campaigns/fairtrade-fortnight