Leader of Student Wellbeing

School TV New Content

During August a new topic will be introduced on “Riding the Corona Coaster". The School TV website has a wide range of topics in regards to student wellbeing, mental health, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and positive parenting advice. Dr Michael Carr Gregg, specialist psychologist, oversees the content on this comprehensive resource.

Please visit our website to access the School TV resources:


MCC Online Learning Environment


Username: parent

Password: Parent2340!


Pastoral Care Contacts

Please contact your child’s Leader of Student Care as your first port of call for communication on pastoral and wellbeing issues:


Year 7 - Mr Damian Kenniff dkenniff@arm.catholic.edu.au

Year 8 - Mrs Melissa Bearup   mbearup@arm.catholic.edu.au

Year 9 - Mr Bernie Williams   bwilliams1@arm.catholic.edu.au

Year 10 - Mr Andrew Davy   adavy@arm.catholic.edu.au

Year 11 - Mrs Melissa Lees   mlees@arm.catholic.edu.au 

Year 12 - Mrs Fiona O'Neill foneill@arm.catholic.edu.au 

College Counsellors - mccthrive@arm.catholic.edu.au


Mrs Sharon Stuart - Leader of  Student Wellbeing
