Assistant Principal - Curriculum 

I would like today to pay tribute to the Yr 12 cohort of 2020. 


It is easy to criticise teenagers, especially as a teacher. We are frustrated by apparent apathy in class and annoyed that students don’t appear to have the same passion, or sense of urgency that we do. It can sometimes feel that we are on separate teams.


In 2020 however, that is most certainly not the case. Under very trying circumstances, where the easy option would be to cry ‘Foul’ or to give up, this group continues to turn up; to work with their teachers, to study, to support each other and to deal with the rapid changes that continue to impact them. Despite disappointment, most understand that no one has deliberately done this to them. Their maturity and resilience is a telling measure of character and strength. Year 12 is always a tough year and this year is more difficult than usual. There are always students who get distracted or choose to leave.  But this group, ‘forged in fire’,  is different. We are proud of them - and proud to work with them.


Mrs O’Neill has published a flyer on the Yr 12 classroom advertising a schedule of 10 free HSC revision online tutorials - open to all HSC students at the three Diocesan schools. I encourage all HSC students to take advantage of this opportunity.


Thank you to all Year 10 students who submitted their subject choices via the Webform. I congratulate them for the mature way in which they sought advice and gave time at lunch to have future focussed conversations. The data will now be used as part of the 2021 timetable construction. Later in the term Yr 8 & 9 students will follow a similar process to submit their elective preferences for next year. From 2021 all electives offered will be 100 hour (one year) courses.


Mrs Sally Sparke - Assistant Principal - Curriculum