From the Director of Primary

Caroline Wilson-Haffenden

At the end of each term I am always astounded at the vast array of opportunities that the students have appreciated over the course of the past ten weeks including integrated units, excursions, sporting teams, TOMs, ICAS competitions and more.  

Furthermore, this week the students have enjoyed showcasing a range of artistic pursuits as part of the Arts Festival. The diversity of the art forms on display is simply amazing, reflecting the students’ critical and creative thinking as well as their knowledge, understanding and skills.  Thank you to the class teachers and teacher assistants, Ms Lincoln and Mr McNamara who have worked tirelessly to plan and prepare for the Arts Festival.

I hope that the students and staff enjoy a happy and safe holiday break with their families in readiness for another engaging and energetic term.  

Tuesday 13 October will be the first day of Term 4 for all students.

Footy Colours

Students are encouraged to come to school on the final day of the term, Friday 25 September 25 in their teams' footy colours, be it AFL, rugby, soccer, basketball or as an umpire.  The Prep to Year 6 students will participate in a parade at 12noon on the basketball court, as well as several fun activities.  Students are asked to bring a gold coin donation. Many thanks to Mr Lowe for his organisation of this event.

Uniform for Term 4

All students will be required to wear their summer uniform from the beginning of Term 4.  Many of the students have grown during the winter months so it would be appreciated if the length of dresses is checked prior to returning to school. In accordance with the Uniform Policy the dresses are to be at or below the knee.  

Students are also asked to locate their sun hat as it will be worn during recess and lunch time breaks as outlined in the College’s Sun Protection Policy.