End of Year Moments


Save the Date

Did you know that there are only 112 days til Christmas?  They say time flies when you are having fun and what a fun year it has been!  In preparation for the end of the year and the commencement for the following, I would like to announce the following dates to assist with your family planning.  More information on each event will come out closer to each date.



Term 4 Commences - Monday the 12th of October.


Foundation Transition Days - 5th and 12th of November and 7th of December. 9 - 10:45am.  

  • Parents will be required to attend Information Sessions on each of these dates at the School.

Curiosity Blessing Service - 4 Year Olds - Wednesday the 25th of November

  • Parents of our 4 year old team will be invited to join us at the School Chapel for a Blessing Service from 9 - 9:45am.

ELC Twilight Starry Night Concert - Thursday the 10th of December from 5-6pm

  • Please note that on this day the Afternoon Program will not be running to allow children to be picked up by 3:20pm and then returned by 4:45pm in time for our Concert.

Term 4 Ends - Thursday the 10th of December


Closure Day - Friday the 11th of December


Christmas Holiday Program  - Monday the 14th - 18th of December


GSLS OSHC imagination is available to children attending Foundation - Monday the 4th of January


ELC Summer Holiday Program Commences for children attending Curiosity 2021 - Wednesday the 20th of January.


Official 1st Day of Curiosity 2021 - Monday the 1st of February